Page 18 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 18


          9.   Before adding new exercises to your routine,   13.   A study of coral reefs in Papua New Guinea
            make sure your healthcare provider ---- that they   reveals that ocean acidification damages coral
            are safe and effective for you.                   structure, which makes the habitat undesirable,
                                                              ---- for some fish species.
            A) invents
                                                              A) hopefully
            B) approves
            C) refuses                                        B) briefly
            D) predicts                                       C) particularly
                                                              D) fortunately
            E) discovers
                                                              E) honestly

        10.   To save energy and decrease electricity costs,   14.   Despite the vast amount of safety information
            it is important to ---- all electronic devices when   available online, many people do not ---- the
            they are not in use, especially overnight.        potential risks associated with internet security.

            A) call for                                       A) explain
            B) find out                                       B) defend
            C) switch off                                     C) treat
            D) get back                                       D) recognise
            E) fill in                                        E) develop

        11.   To gain ---- to a conservatoire, candidates must   15.   Researchers believe that the loss of stem cells
            complete an application process and meet          causes organs and tissues to ---- gradually
            specific criteria, which guarantees that only     because they are unable to replace their lost
            qualified ones attend.                            cells.

            A) difference                                     A) wear out
            B) approach                                       B) take off
            C) conclusion                                     C) knock down
            D) conformity                                     D) split up
            E) admission                                      E) pass on

        12.   On a play’s premiere night, after long rehearsals,   16.   Glassblowing, which is particularly famous
            actors may feel ---- about their performance and   ---- Gaziantep, is a traditional craft that involves
            the audience’s possible reactions.                shaping molten glass ---- various forms using a
            A) anxious
            B) injured                                        A) for / to
                                                              B) via / on
            C) common
                                                              C) around / by
            D) ancient
            E) exhausted                                      D) beside / under
                                                              E) in / into

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