Page 101 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 101


                 Cause: They wanted to find a more effective cure for the severe disease.
                 Effect : The scientists researched a new medicine extensively.
                The scientists researched a new medicine extensively because they wanted to find a more effective cure for the
             severe disease.
                Because the scientists wanted to find a more effective cure for the severe disease, they researched a new medicine
                As penguins live in some of the harshest climates, they have developed special feathers and fat stores to survive
             the extreme cold.
                The school opened coding courses since technological skills are becoming increasingly important in the workforce.
        inasmuch as
                The airline had a fall in customer satisfaction inasmuch as frequent flight delays became more routine.
        seeing that / seeing as
                Seeing that / Seeing as too much plastic waste is not being recycled properly, it is not surprising that marine life is
             being harmed so much.
        being that / being as
                Being that / Being as it is difficult to balance work and personal life, it is important to set priorities and limits.
              Cümlenin başında yer alamaz; onun yerine cümle başında “because” veya “since” gibi bağlaçlar kullanılmalıdır.
                I do not prefer staying up late at night, for it disrupts my sleep routine and makes me exhausted the next day.
                For / Because / Since it disrupts my sleep routine and makes me exhausted the next day, I do not prefer staying up
             late at night.
        in that
              “Çünkü, bakımından” anlamlarına gelir ve cümle ortasında kullanılır.
                Chuck decided to take the day off in that he had been feeling exhausted from working long hours for several weeks.
                Cougars and leopards belong to the same family, but they are different from each other in that they have distinct
             physical characteristics and habitats.
        now that
              “Şimdi artık … olduğuna göre” anlamında kullanılır. Genellikle bir durumun veya olayın gerçekleştiğini ve bu
            durumun veya olayın başka bir durumu veya olayı etkilediğini belirtmek için kullanılır.
                Alison feels much more comfortable speaking in front of an audience now that she has completed the communication
        on the grounds that
              “Gerekçesiyle” anlamında kullanılır.
                Daniel was not allowed into the concert hall on the grounds that he did not have a valid ticket.
        it is because … that
              “Sebebiyle, -den dolayı, yüzünden” anlamlarına gelir.
                It is because more people are adopting sustainable lifestyles that we are observing a positive impact on the environment.
        for the reason that
              “Sebebiyle, bu sebepten dolayı” anlamlarına gelir.
                Jack pursued a degree in environmental science for the reason that he wanted to help preserve natural ecosystems.

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