Page 106 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 106


    ENGLISH  B. Prepositional Phrases

         Bu yapılardan sonra isim (noun), zamir (pronoun) veya isim-fiil (gerund) gelir. Cümlenin başında kullanıldığında kendinden
         sonra gelen cümleden virgülle ayrılır.
         in advance of
             “... -dan / -den önce” anlamına gelir.
                 Teachers held a meeting in advance of the new school year to discuss teaching strategies.
         prior to
            “... -dan / -den önce” anlamına gelir.
                 Prior to their first day of work, new employees are supposed to complete the required training sessions.

         C. Transitional Words and Phrases
         afterwards / then
             “Ardından, peşi sıra” anlamlarına gelirler.
                 Sarah worked on her research project for months. Afterwards / Then, she presented her findings to the team.

                 Sarah worked on her research project for months and afterwards / then presented her findings to the team.
         meanwhile / in the meantime
             “Bu sırada, bu esnada” anlamlarına gelirler.
                 Rick went after his dream of becoming a professional musician. Meanwhile / In the meantime, he held a part-time
             job to support himself financially.

         4. Condition

         Bu yapılar bir eylemin gerçekleşmesinin belli bir koşula bağlı olduğunu / olmadığını anlatmak amacıyla kullanılır.
         A. Conjunctions
         if / when
             “Eğer, … -dığı / -diği takdirde” anlamlarına gelirler.
                 If / When educational systems do not adapt to the digital age, students might not improve their technological skills.
         only if / only when
             “Şayet, ancak, … kaydıyla” anlamlarına gelirler.
                 Effective teamwork can be achieved only if / only when individuals communicate openly and collaborate effectively.
         provided (that) / providing (that)
             “…-mak / -mek şartıyla” anlamlarına gelirler.
                 The conference will take place as scheduled provided (that) / providing (that) all participants follow the necessary
             health and safety procedures.
         on (the) condition that
             “… olmak kaydıyla, sadece … şartıyla” anlamlarına gelir.
                 Cultural heritage can be preserved on (the) condition that artefacts are protected from destruction, theft, and illegal
         as long as / so long as
             “…-dığı / -diği sürece, …-mak / -mek şartıyla” anlamlarına gelirler.
                 You can access the online course materials as long as your subscription is active.

                 You cannot access the online course materials so long as your subscription is not active.

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