Page 103 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 103


        B. Prepositional Phrases

        Bu yapılardan sonra isim (noun), zamir (pronoun) veya isim-fiil (gerund) gelir. Cümlenin başında kullanıldığında
        kendinden sonra gelen cümleden virgülle ayrılır.                                          Video 6.3
                      as a result of
                   as a consequence of
                       because of
                         due to
                        owing to
                        thanks to               +                                main clause
                      on account of
                                                    the fact that …,
                    on (the) grounds of
                       in view of
                     in / by virtue of
                      in the light of
               “-den dolayı, yüzünden, nedeniyle” anlamlarına gelir.
        as a result of
                  Cause: Claire’s dedication and hard work
                  Effect: Claire was promoted to a higher position within the company.
                As a result of her dedication and hard work, Claire was promoted to a higher position within the company.

             Claire was promoted to a higher position within the company as a result of her dedication and hard work.
        as a consequence of
                As a consequence of her consistent practice, Janine was able to master the difficult piano piece.
        because of
                  Cause: Social media’s widespread use and effect
                  Effect:  Social media has become an essential part of people’s lives.
                Because of its widespread use and effect, social media has become an essential part of people’s lives.
                 Social media has become an essential part of people’s lives because of its widespread use and effect.
        due to
                Due to the firm’s extensive research and original ideas, they developed a new product that quickly became popular.
        owing to
                Owing to the limited availability of raw materials, the production process has been temporarily halted.

        thanks to
                Thanks to their careful preparation and coordination, the team was able to finish the job within the given deadline.

        on account of
                Dylan changed his travel plans on account of the adverse weather forecast.

        on (the) grounds of
                On (the) grounds of her great leadership skills, Kate was chosen to serve as a team leader for the next project.
        in view of
                In view of the weather forecast predicting heavy rain, it would be wise to bring an umbrella or raincoat.
        in virtue of / by virtue of
                In virtue of  / By virtue of her remarkable achievements in aviation, Amelia Earhart became an inspiration for generations.
        in the light of
                In the light of recent developments, the team has decided to revise the timeline and scope of the project.

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