Page 108 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 108


    ENGLISH  C. Transitional Words and Phrases

        if so
             “Eğer öyleyse” anlamına gelir.
                The flight is scheduled to depart at 9 a.m. If so, we should aim to be at the airport by 7.30 for check-in and security
             “Aksi takdirde, yoksa” anlamlarına gelir.
                The main conference room must be vacated within one hour for the conference; otherwise, we will have to find an
             alternative space to accommodate the participants.
        or (else)
             “Aksi takdirde, yoksa” anlamlarına gelir.
                Remember to turn off the lights before leaving the office; or (else), we will be wasting energy.
        5. Purpose
        A. Conjunctions

        Bu bağlaçlar amaç bildirir ve ana cümle ile yan cümleyi bağlamak için kullanılır. Bu cümleler arasında zaman
        uyumu bulunmalıdır.                                                                       Video 6.4

                     so that                       for fear that
                                                                                     + clause
                   in order that                       lest

        so that / in order that
        “Böylece,  için,  diye,  -mesi  için”  anlamlarına  gelirler.  Ana  cümle  ve  yan  cümle  arasında  zaman  uyumu  aşağıdaki  gibi
                   Main Clause                                                  Subordinate Clause
           Simple Present
                                                                          Simple Present
           Present Continuous                                             can
                                              + so that / in order that +  may
           Present Perfect
           Present Perfect Continuous                                     will / will be able to
           Simple Future

                Conservation programmes aim to protect endangered species so that future generations can understand the beauty
             and importance of biodiversity.
                Many countries  have adopted sustainable practices  in  order  that they  will  reduce pollution and protect the
             environment for generations to come.


                   Main Clause                                                  Subordinate Clause
           Simple Past                         + so that / in order that +  might
           Past Perfect                                                    should
                                                                           would / would be able to

                The professor reviewed historical documents carefully so that she would learn more about the social dynamics of
             the 18  century.
                A team of scientists conducted thorough research in order that they could understand the complex relationship
             between genetics and behaviour.

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