Page 104 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 104


    ENGLISH  C. Transitional Words and Phrases

        Neden-sonuç ilişkisi kuran sözcük ya da sözcük gruplarıdır. “Bu yüzden, bu sebeple, bu nedenle, böylece, dolayısıyla,
        onun için” anlamlarına gelirler. Bu sözcük ya da sözcük gruplarının büyük bir çoğunluğu iki cümle arasında kullanılır ve
        sonuç cümlesinin başında yer alır.

                 therefore                thereby                  so                   as a result

                  hence                 accordingly              that’s why          as a consequence

                   thus                 consequently           for this reason      on this / that account

                Plants capture sunlight to make food through photosynthesis. Therefore, they are essential for the survival of all
             living organisms on Earth.
                Plants capture sunlight to make food through photosynthesis; therefore, they are essential for the survival of all
             living organisms on Earth.
                Plants capture sunlight to make food through photosynthesis. They are, therefore, essential for the survival of all
             living organisms on Earth.
                Extreme sports offer a thrilling escape from the ordinary. Hence, they attract those who seek adventure.
                The lead actor unexpectedly felt ill in the middle of the play and hence could not perform as he intended.
                Our team could not present the new software effectively due to technical problems,  hence  leaving the clients
                Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928. Thus, bacterial infection treatment improved significantly.
                Staying active and following a balanced diet are essential for maintaining a healthy life, and one should thus prioritise
                The shifting tectonic plates have shaped the Earth’s surface over millions of years, thus creating the geography we
             see today.
                The ocean’s health directly affects marine life, and thereby impacts the balance of our planet’s ecosystems.
                The ocean’s health directly affects marine life, thereby impacting the balance of our planet’s ecosystems.
                Scientists continue to search for signs of extraterrestrial life.  Accordingly, new discoveries may reshape our
             understanding of the universe.
                The rapid development of artificial intelligence has led to major improvements in various industries. Consequently,
             it has changed the way we work and interact with technology.
        that’s why
                Social media can expose us to cyberbullying and identity theft; that’s why it is essential to protect our online presence.
        for this reason
                Tropical regions experience high temperatures and humidity throughout the year; for this reason, they are known
             for their diverse wildlife.
        as a result
                Modern technology has greatly improved educational facilities; as a result, students now have access to cutting-edge
             resources that enhance their learning experience.

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