Page 107 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 107


        in the event that
             “... durumunda, … takdirde, … -abilir / -ebilir diye” anlamlarına gelir.
                In  the  event  that an  earthquake occurs,  residents  should  stay  indoors  and listen  to  authorities for  evacuation
                Customers have the right to a free repair or replacement in the event that the product malfunctions during the
             guarantee period.
        in case
             “... durumunda, … takdirde, … -abilir / -ebilir diye, … -sı / -si halinde, … ihtimaline karşı” anlamlarına gelir.

                You should contact the team leader for guidance in case you need any assistance with the project.
        even if
             “...-sa / -se bile, ...-sa da / -se de” anlamlarına gelir.

                Even if she disagreed with his decision, she chose to support her brother in his pursuit of a career change.
        whether or not
             “... olsa da olmasa da” anlamına gelir.
                I am determined to pursue my dreams whether or not the path gets difficult.
             “eğer … -mazsa / -mezse, … -madıkça / -medikçe” anlamlarına gelir.

                The package will not be delivered unless the recipient’s address is provided accurately.
        supposing (that) / suppose (that) / imagine (that)

             “tut ki, farz et ki” anlamlarına gelirler.
                Supposing (that) / Suppose (that) / Imagine (that) time travel were possible, how would it impact the course of
             historical events?
        B. Prepositional Phrases

        Bu yapılardan sonra isim (noun), zamir (pronoun) veya isim-fiil (gerund) gelir. Cümlenin başında kullanıldığında kendinden
        sonra gelen cümleden virgülle ayrılır.

        but for
             “… olmasa, … olmasaydı” anlamlarına gelir.
                The sun would have lit up the whole area but for the thick layer of storm clouds that blocked its light.

        in case of
             “Durumunda, halinde, olduğu takdirde” anlamlarına gelir.
                In case of an emergency, the escape plan will be carried out quickly to make sure everyone is safe.
        in the event of

             “Durumunda, halinde, olduğu takdirde” anlamlarına gelir.
                In the event of heavy rain, the outdoor concert will be moved to the nearby auditorium to ensure the audience’s
        in the absence of
             “Yokluğunda, eksikliğinde” anlamlarına gelir.

                In the absence of a qualified substitute teacher, the principal may need to cover the class herself.

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