Page 111 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 111


        although / even though / though
             Bu bağlaçlar “-e rağmen” anlamına gelirler. Zıt durumları ifade etmek için kullanılırlar.
                Brian made a fantastic cake by following the recipe although / even though / though he had never tried before.
                Although / Even though / Though Tom had practised extensively, he still felt nervous before the performance.
             “Though” cümle sonunda “but / yet” anlamında da kullanılır.
                Martin is not very experienced in coding. He managed to create a functional website on his own, though.

                Martin is not very experienced in coding, but / yet he managed to create a functional website on his own.
        whereas / while / whilst
             “-iken” anlamına gelirler. Bu bağlaçlar zıt anlam ifade eden cümleleri bağlamak için kullanılır. Genellikle farklı
            öznelerin birbirinden farklı ya da zıt özelliklerini karşılaştırılırken kullanılırlar.

                Whereas / While / Whilst the city centre is full of activities during the day, it becomes quieter and more peaceful at night.
                The older generation prefers traditional forms of communication, whereas / while / whilst the younger generation
             heavily uses social media and instant messaging.

        even if
             “Olsa bile, öyle olsa da, ise bile, -e rağmen” anlamında kullanılır.
                Ashley was determined to complete the marathon, even if her legs ached and the weather got bad during the race.
        much as / much though
             “Her ne kadar … ise de” anlamına gelir ve “although” bağlacı ile kullanımları benzerdir.

                Much  as  /  Much  though the car looked modern and attractive from the outside, the engine was not in good

        adjective / adverb + as
        adjective / adverb + though
             “… olduysa da” anlamında kullanılır.
                Creative as / though Lilly was, it was possible to see her traditional style in her last painting.
             Creatively as / though Lilly painted, it was possible to see her traditional style in her last painting.
        however + adjective / adverb

        no matter + question word
        regardless of + question word
             “However” ve “no matter” aynı anlamı taşıyan ve zıtlık bildiren bağlaçlardır. “… olduysa da, her … olursa
            olsun” anlamlarına gelirler. “Although / Though” anlamlarına gelseler de daha güçlü bir vurguya sahiptirler.
                However hard the problem appeared, Maria was determined to overcome it.
                No matter how busy Daniela was, she always found time to spend with her family.

             No matter + question word yapısının verdiği anlam “whoever, whatever, wherever, whenever, whichever” ya
            da “Regardless of who / what / where / when / which” yapıları ile de verilebilir.

                Wherever Dan and his wife travelled, the locals greeted them warmly.
             No matter where / Regardless of where Dan and his wife travelled, the locals greeted them warmly.
                Whoever was in charge, the team worked harmoniously.
             No matter who / Regardless of who was in charge, the team worked harmoniously.

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