Page 113 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 113


        rather than / instead of / in place of
             “… yerine”  ve “… -den ziyade” anlamlarına gelirler.
                Max prefers to prepare his own meals at home rather than / instead of / in place of buying processed goods.
        except for / other than / with the exception of
             “Hariç, haricinde” anlamlarına gelirler.

                Except for / Other than / With the exception of the rainy day last week, the weather during our holiday has been
             sunny and pleasant.
        by comparison with
             “... -a / -e nazaran, ... -a / -e kıyasla” anlamlarına gelir.
                By comparison with Jude’s previous job, the new position offers more opportunities for career growth.

        in comparison with / to
             “... -a / -e nazaran, ... -a / -e kıyasla” anlamlarına gelir.
                In comparison with / to traditional methods of data collection, using digital technology offers several advantages.
        C. Transitional Words and Phrases

        Karşıt anlam bildiren kelime ya da kelime gruplarıdır. Genel olarak “ancak, buna rağmen, yine de” anlamlarına
        gelirler. Kendilerinden sonra cümle gelir ancak kendilerinden önce bir cümle olmadan cümle başında kullanılmazlar.
                                                                                                 Video 6.8
                     however                         yet still           (on the one hand) ... on the other hand
                   nevertheless                   but … anyway                       instead
                    nonetheless                   not … but rather                   even so
                  notwithstanding                 on the contrary                  all the same
                     but / yet                   quite the contrary              as a matter of fact
                       still                        in contrast                      indeed

                      but still                  by / in comparison                  in fact
        however / nevertheless / nonetheless / notwithstanding
             “Ancak, buna rağmen, yine de” anlamlarına gelirler. Kendilerinden önce gelen cümleden sonra nokta ya da
            noktalı virgül kullanılır.

                The journey was tough and tiring; however / nevertheless / nonetheless / notwithstanding, the breathtaking
             views made it all worth it.

                The journey was tough and tiring. However / Nevertheless / Nonetheless / Notwithstanding, the breathtaking
             views made it all worth it.
             “However”, iki bağımsız cümleyi bağlamanın yanı sıra özneden sonra ya da cümle sonunda da kullanılabilir.
                The project faced unexpected setbacks and a shortage of resources. However, the team’s creative problem-solving
             skills allowed them to overcome every obstacle.
                The project faced unexpected setbacks and a shortage of resources. The team’s creative problem-solving skills,
             however, allowed them to overcome every obstacle.
                The project faced unexpected setbacks and a shortage of resources. The team’s creative problem-solving skills
             allowed them to overcome every obstacle, however.

        but / yet / still / but … still / yet … still / but … anyway
             “Ama, fakat, yine de” anlamlarına gelirler.
                Elisa was exhausted from a long day at work, but / yet she managed to find the energy to go for a run.
                Elisa was exhausted from a long day at work, but / yet she still managed to find the energy to go for a run.
                Elisa was exhausted from a long day at work. Still she managed to find the energy to go for a run.

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