Page 116 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 116


    ENGLISH  in addition to

             “İlave olarak, yanında” anlamlarına gelir.
                In addition to its historical importance, the ancient castle is also known for its stunning architecture.
             “Bununla birlikte, yanı sıra” anlamlarına gelir.
                Besides changing the way we communicate, the Internet has also reshaped how we consume media.
        apart from / aside from
             “Dışında, -den başka” anlamlarına gelir.
                Apart from / Aside from basic necessities like food and shelter, humans also need social interaction and connection.
        8. Similarity, Explanation, Exemplification, and Summarisation

        Bu yapılar cümlede benzerlik ifade etme, açıklama yapma ve örnek verme amacıyla kullanılır.
        A. Transitional Words and Phrases

          Similarity       likewise          similarly
                                                                                                Video 6.11
          Explanation      that is           that is to say  namely        in other words
          Exemplification  for example       for instance  to illustrate

          Summarisation    briefly           in conclusion  in short       to sum up       to summarise

        likewise / similarly
             “Aynı  şekilde,  benzer  biçimde”  anlamlarına  gelirler.  Benzer  olay  ya  da  durumları  ifade  etmek  amacıyla
                The enthusiastic gardener tends to her flowers in the garden and, likewise, the plants in her greenhouse.
                Many plants rely on sunlight for photosynthesis; similarly, animals depend on plants for their source of energy.
        that is / that is to say / namely / in other words
             “Diğer bir ifadeyle, yani” anlamlarına gelirler. Anlatılmak istenen olayı ya da durumu açıklayıcı bir şekilde
            ifade etmek için kullanılırlar.
                We can track environmental changes using various methods, namely satellite imagery and ground-based sensors.
                An apple falls to the ground due to the force of gravity. In other words, gravity pulls objects downward.
        for example / for instance / to illustrate
             “Örneğin” anlamına gelirler. Bir olayı ya da durumu örnek göstererek açıklamak amacıyla kullanılırlar.
                There are many ways to generate electricity. Solar panels, for example / for instance, convert sunlight into electrical
             energy through photovoltaic cells.
                Modern smartphones offer various functions. To illustrate, users can easily find their way in unfamiliar places with
             map applications.
        briefly / in conclusion / in short / to sum up / to summarise
             “Kısacası, özetlemek gerekirse” anlamlarına gelirler. Öncesinde ifade edilen bir olayı ya da durumu daha kısa
            ve öz bir şekilde açıklamak amacıyla kullanılırlar.

                The new renewable energy project has the potential to significantly reduce carbon emissions in the region and
             contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future. Briefly / In conclusion / In short, it can be a promising step
             towards reducing environmental impact.
                The research findings have indicated that there is a strong correlation between regular exercise and improved
             cognitive  function.  To  sum  up  /  To  summarise,  the  more  someone  exercises  regularly,  the  better  their  brain

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