Page 23 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 23
6. ---- who try to answer life’s most important questions
Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen ---- often look at a wide range of philosophical ideas
sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
and perspectives.
1. ---- took policymakers almost a decade to formulate A) Ones / of their own
effective strategies and carry out radical reforms for B) These / by themselves
---- who work in education and healthcare. C) Others / themselves
A) This / ones D) They / theirs
B) Anything / everyone E) Those / on their own
C) It / those
D) They / anyone
E) That / them
2. In the age of digital connectivity, --- can escape the 7. In addition to ---- found inside a coffin last year,
influence of social media, which has widespread archaeologists uncovered ---- papyrus in Saqqara,
popularity ----. Egypt, which might reveal much about Egyptian
funerary practices.
A) anyone / anything
B) no one / everywhere A) one / the other
C) somebody / somewhere B) the ones / other
D) nobody / nowhere C) theirs / others
E) someone / nothing D) that / the others
E) the one / another
3. The charity organisation became successful 8. Most colleagues of ---- pursue medical careers
because ---- supported and trusted ---- throughout across the country, while all of ---- have chosen to
the campaign. explore opportunities in academic research abroad.
A) it / every other A) mine / yours
B) everyone / one after another B) me / them
C) anybody / one another C) myself / you
D) they / each other D) those / theirs
E) ones / the others E) yours / my
4. ---- who seriously follow their dreams often find ---- 9. ---- on the Titanic felt a sudden shock of fear and
on a path of self-discovery and personal growth. disbelief when ---- collided with an iceberg in the
A) The ones / themselves middle of the icy Atlantic Ocean.
B) Ones / them A) Nobody / it
C) Those / by themselves B) Anyone / they
D) The others / theirs C) Someone / its
E) They / on their own D) Everyone / she
E) Everybody / their
5. All plants need sunlight to feed ----, as ---- serves as 10. ---- is not always easy to stay calm in difficult
a vital source of energy for photosynthesis, which situations, but deep breathing techniques can help
ensures the sustainability of life on Earth. ---- a lot with stress management.
A) theirs / that A) That / them
B) themselves / it B) This / us
C) itself / everything C) The other / your
D) it / one D) It / you
E) them / this E) Something / me