Page 25 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 25


                                                         6.  A protective atmosphere and ---- proper combination
         Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen   of  elements  to  support  life  are  among  the  most
         sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                             critical factors for ---- planet to be habitable.
        1.  ----  research  has  shown  that  ----  environmental   A) a / the
           factors contribute to the decline of biodiversity.  B) the / the
           A) A few / some                                   C) Ø / a
           B) A lot of / a little                            D) a / Ø
           C) A great deal of / many                         E) the / a
           D) Several / much
           E) None / a large amount of

        2.  In  the  animal  kingdom,  ----  species  rely  on   7.  ----  the  planets  in  our  solar  system  have  moons,
           echolocation  as  a  means  of  navigation,  while  ----   but ---- them compare to the captivating beauty and
           ones use different methods to find their way in the   mystique of Earth’s Moon.
           dark.                                             A) Most of / neither of
           A) some / other                                   B) Some of / either of
           B) many / others                                  C) All of / none of
           C) a lot of / the other                           D) A few of / both of
           D) a few / another                                E) Plenty of / lots of
           E) a little / the others

        3.  In  an  age  of  technology,  ----  ability  to  adapt  to   8.  The  new  intern  did  not  have  ----  experience  in
           new  tools  and  systems  is  essential  for  staying   coding,  but  she  managed  to  gather  ----  online
           competitive in ---- workplace.                    tutorials to improve her skills.
           A) Ø / the                                        A) little / a majority of
           B) the / a                                        B) some / a couple of
           C) an / the                                       C) several / a lot of
           D) the / Ø                                        D) much / plenty of
           E) Ø / a                                          E) any / a large amount of

        4.  ----  of  the  applicants  for  the  scholarship  programme   9.  ----  USSR  was  founded  on  December  30,  1922,
           demonstrated ---- exceptional academic performance,   following ---- collapse of the Russian Empire, and it
           so the jury had difficulty in choosing the best.  existed until its dissolution in 1991.
           A) Few / an                                       A) Ø / the
           B) Many / the                                     B) The / the
           C) Neither / an                                   C) The / a
           D) Most / Ø                                       D) The / Ø
           E) None / the                                     E) Ø / Ø

        5.  The long and soft tail of an arctic fox serves as a   10. The Pacific Ocean has ---- total area of approximately
           blanket, keeping ---- fox warm when it covers ---- tail   163 million square kilometres, making it ---- largest
           around its body to sleep.                         ocean in the world.
           A) a / the                                        A) a / the
           B) the / Ø                                        B) the / a
           C) a / Ø                                          C) Ø / the
           D) the / the                                      D) a / Ø
           E) Ø / the                                        E) the / Ø

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