Page 30 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 30
ENGLISH 1. The Simple Present Tense
Aşağıdaki tablo “The Simple Present Tense” in olumlu, olumsuz ve soru yapılarının nasıl oluşturulduğunu göstermektedir.
I don’t go to school on foot on Do you go to school on foot on
I / You / We / They I go to school on foot on weekdays.
weekdays. weekdays?
Lee goes to school on foot on Lee doesn’t go to school on foot Does Lee go to school on foot on
He / She / It
weekdays. on weekdays. weekdays?
Aşağıdaki durumlarda “The Simple Present Tense” kullanılır.
My brother-in-law goes to the gym every morning before work. Video 2.1
Sürekli / kalıcı / tekrarlı eylemler ya da durumlar:
The train journey to the neighbouring city takes 30 minutes, so residents commute there for work opportunities.
Haberler ve gazete başlıkları:
The local wrestler wins the championship game.
Spor müsabakası anlatımları:
The team scores a spectacular goal in the first half.
Resmi açılış ve tören konuşmaları:
Do you, James, take Lily to be your lawfully wedded spouse?
Devamlılık bildirmeyen eylemler:
Contrary to the spicy aroma of the curry, the dish offers a surprisingly mild flavour.
Bilimsel gerçekler ve genellemeler:
The idea that technology harms society is a common misconception.
Planlanmış, bir zaman çizelgesinde gösterilen eylemler:
The comedy show begins at eight on Saturday evening.
Kitap / film özeti ve hikâye anlatımı:
When the prince comes the next day, he finds the witch waiting for him at the tower.
Yol tarifi ya da yönerge:
You drive along the boulevard and take the first left onto Main Street.
Duygu, dilek ve temenniler:
I hope the weather improves soon, as I have plans to go hiking this weekend.
Honey catches more flies than vinegar.
A. Time Expressions Frequently Used in The Simple Present Tense
Video 2.2
always usually sometimes hardly ever every day once a month at weekends
almost always generally occasionally scarcely ever every week once a year on weekdays
nearly always often rarely almost never every year twice a month on Mondays
frequently seldom never every … twice a … on Sundays