Page 34 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 34


    ENGLISH        The president has just come from a critical diplomatic meeting centred on global economic cooperation.
           “just” eylemin henüz tamamlandığını, “only just” ise eylemin üstünden geçen sürenin çok kısa olduğunu ifade
           etmek için kullanılır.

              The two countries have only just begun negotiations and will need more time to reach mutually beneficial agreements.
           “lately / recently” son günlerde, kesin bir zaman belirtmeden yapılan işleri anlatmak için kullanılır.
              Many companies have adopted cloud-based solutions and technologies lately.
           “Up till now / up to now / so far” olumlu, olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde “şimdiye kadar” anlamında kullanılır.
              Because the classes are held remotely, I have met only half of my classmates so far.

           Henüz tamamlanmamış zaman diliminde gerçekleşmiş eylemlerle birlikte “this morning, this week, this year,
           today” zaman ifadeleri kullanılır.
              This week, the national volleyball team has won three consecutive matches in the tournament.
           Konuşulan anın da dâhil olduğu süreçte yapılan eylemleri ifade etmek için “in the last … / during the past …” kullanılır.
              In the past few years, medical researchers have made significant improvements in treating certain diseases.

        4. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

        “The Present Perfect Continuous Tense”de olumlu, olumsuz ve soru yapıları aşağıdaki tabloda gösterildiği gibi oluşturulur.
                                Affirmative                 Negative                  Interrogative

         I / You / We / They  I have been writing a novel.  I haven't been writing a novel.  Have you been writing a novel?
           He / She / It  She has been writing a novel.  She hasn’t been writing a novel.  Has she been writing a novel?

        Aşağıdaki durumlarda “The Present Perfect Continuous Tense” kullanılır.
           Geçmişte başlayan ve konuşma anında devam eden eylemler:
              It has been raining heavily for three days, so the rivers have started to overflow.  Video 2.8
           Tamamlanmış fakat konuşma anında etkisi devam eden eylemler:
              My brother has been playing video games for hours. He looks exhausted and should probably take a break to rest his eyes.
           Son zamanlarda gerçekleşen eylemler:
              My car has been making strange noises for the past few days. I think it is because of the minor accident I had last week.
         A. Time Expressions Used in the Present Perfect Continuous Tense

            for      since   in the last …  in the past …  for the last …  for the past …  recently  lately  all …

              The athletes have been running in the marathon for the last three hours.
              Farmers in coastal cities have been producing tropical fruits lately.
                                                                                                  Video 2.9
        B. The Present Perfect Tense or The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
          Geçmişte başlayıp, içinde bulunduğumuz anda hâlâ devam etmekte olan ya da henüz tamamlanmış olan bir eylemi
           anlatan bazı fiiller hem “The Present Perfect Tense” hem de “The Present Perfect Continuous Tense” ile anlam farkı
           olmaksızın kullanılabilir.
            live       work      learn       lie      hope       sleep      stand      look     astonish
            rain      snow       study      want       sit       stay       wait      teach     please

              How long have you worked / have you been working for this company?
              Since I moved to England, I have stayed / have been staying with the same host family.
                                                                                                 Video 2.10

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