Page 32 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 32


    ENGLISH  A. Time Expressions Frequently Used in the Present Continuous Tense        at the moment

                                                     just now
                                  right now
               currently         continually        nowadays           this week          at present
                                 these days

        The students are taking a maths test in the classroom at the moment.
               Jane is still reading the captivating novel she picked up from the bookstore.                                                  Video 2.4
               These days, people are focusing on sustainable living practices to preserve the environment for future generations.
        B. The Simple Present Tense or The Present Continuous Tense

        “The Simple Present Tense” ve “The Present Continuous Tense” arasındaki kullanım farklılıkları için aşağıdaki
        tabloyu inceleyelim.                                                                      Video 2.5

                                             The Simple Present Tense
             Genel durumları, alışkanlıkları ifade etmek için:
                 Mary eats muesli for breakfast every morning.
             Kalıcı ve sürekli durumları ifade etmek için:
                 I cook the meals for lunch at my little daughter’s nursery.
             Gelecekte yer alacak programlı ve tarifeli eylemleri ifade etmek için:
                 The train leaves at 09.45 a.m. Please make sure to arrive at the train station at least 15 minutes before departure time.
             Durum bildiren fiillerle:
                 A baby elephant weighs around 90 kilograms at birth.
                                           The Present Continuous Tense

             Konuşma esnasında olan durumları ifade etmek için:
                 Please be quiet. The baby is sleeping.
             Geçici durumları ifade etmek için:
                 My mother is not at home now, so I am cooking dinner for myself.
             Gelecekte planlanmış, ayarlanmış eylemleri ifade etmek için:
                 They are having two exams this week.
             Eylem bildiren fiillerle:
                 The jeweller is weighing the gold to determine its value.

        “Non-progressive verbs’’ olarak tanımladığımız fiiller durum bildirirler ve “The Present Continuous Tense” ile kullanılmazlar.
        Bu fiiller aşağıdaki tabloda verilmiştir.

             like        know       belong      prefer      believe    depend       hear       astonish

             love       realise       fit       agree      remember     matter     disagree     please
             hate      suppose      contain      mind      recognise     see        satisfy    promise

             want       mean        consist      own        appear       look       doubt       think

             need     understand    seem        sound       taste       smell       wish       imagine

             deny       dislike       be         have      surprise      lack      measure     possess
            impress     deserve     involve     include      feel        owe        weigh      concern

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