Page 133 - 12 YDT
P. 133


           4.  Be sure to clean the lint filter before starting the tumble dryer; otherwise, you could start a fire.
              If       ……………………………………………………. prevent a fire, be sure to clean the lint filter before starting the
              tumble dryer.
           5.  Without electricity, there would be no Internet and mobile phones.
              weren’t   ……………………………………………………………  electricity, there would  be  no  Internet  and  mobile

        E) Rewrite the following conditional sentences in inverted forms.
           1.  If people do not get enough sleep, they may experience forgetfulness, discomfort, concentration problems, mood
              swings, and physical problems.
           2.  You must train regularly if you want to be successful in the competitions.
           3.  Giant pandas would not be in danger of extinction if it had not been for poaching, the conversion of their habitats to
              tourist hotspots, and the decline of bamboo forests.
           4.  If most of the animals did not have defence systems against predators, they would not survive in the wild.
           5.  Bees play an important role in the reproduction of plants; if they suddenly disappeared, many species of flowering
              plants would be wiped out.
           6.  There would not have been the world’s greatest loss of knowledge regarding the ancient world if the ancient city
              had not burned down for an unknown reason.
        F)  Find the mistakes in the following sentences and correct them.
           1.  Had it not been for NASA’s accidental recording of the moon landing, there would have been no discussion on this
              event right now.
           2.  Our brain uses 20 per cent of the oxygen in each breath we take; therefore, if it was left without oxygen for 4-6
              minutes, irreparable damage will begin to occur.
           3.  Only a few creatures have colour vision, including humans. For instance, if you are a horse, you would only see
              things in black and white.
           4.  It is ocean currents that make the Earth’s climate more bearable and habitable. If you take the salt out of the
              oceans, these currents disappear.
           5.  Even if we cannot see our surroundings in a completely dark environment, the ability of our eyes to adapt would
              allow us to get used to the darkness soon.

        G) Fill in the blanks with the correct tense (Wish clauses).
           1.  Every year, thousands of tonnes of trash and debris are dumped into the environment. If only people
              ……………………… (understand) the damage they are doing to the environment.
           2.  Most of the pupils in primary schools wish all lessons ………………………. (be) PE, as playing is an important part
              of their lives.
           3.  Everyone wishes they …………………………… (live) a healthy life, with a good physique and enough sleep, and
              thus feel better about themselves.
           4.  Nearly all teachers wish their students ………………………… (obey) the rules and do their homework.
           5.  Nicola Tesla might have wished he ……………………………… (share) his inventions with Edison, as Edison is
              alleged to have stolen his ideas.

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