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        Eylemi  yapan  kişiyi  vurgulamak  yerine  olayın  kendisine  odaklanan  “Passive  Voice”  (edilgen  yapı),  dilin
        çeşitliliğini ve ifade gücünü artıran önemli bir dilbilgisi unsurudur. Etken yapıda özne, eylemi gerçekleştiren
        kişiyi belirtirken, edilgen yapıda eylemin kendisi ön plandadır. Olayın gerçekleşme şekli veya sonuçları daha   Video 5.1
        önemli olduğunda bu yapı kullanılır. Ayrıca, bilimsel raporlar, resmi yazışmalar veya haber makaleleri gibi
        metinlerde sıkça karşılaşılan bir yapıdır.

        1. The Passive Voice

        Aşağıdaki tablo; etken (active) yapıların, “The Passive Voice” yapılarına nasıl dönüştüğünü göstermektedir.   Video 5.2

                      Tense                        Active                           Passive

                                        The governor rules the city in the   The city is ruled by the governor in the
            Present Simple
                                        name of the king.               name of the king.
                                        The governor is ruling the city in   The city is being ruled by the
            Present Continuous
                                        the name of the king.           governor in the name of the king.
                                        The governor has ruled  the city in   The city has been ruled by the
            Present Perfect
                                        the name of the king.           governor in the name of the king.
                                        The governor has been ruling the
            Present Perfect Continuous                                                 X
                                        city in the name of the king.
                                        The governor ruled the city in the   The city was ruled by the governor in
            Past Simple
                                        name of the king.               the name of the king.
                                        The governor was ruling the city in   The city was being ruled by the
            Past Continuous
                                        the name of the king.           governor in the name of the king.
                                        The governor had ruled the city in   The city had been ruled by the
            Past Perfect
                                        the name of the king.           governor in the name of the king.
                                        The governor had been ruling the
            Past Perfect Continuous                                                    X
                                        city in the name of the king.

            Future Simple               a) The governor will rule the city in   a) The city will be ruled by the
                                          the name of the king.           governor in the name of the king.
            a) will
                                        b) The governor is going to rule   b) The city is going to be ruled by the
            b) be going to                the city in the name of the king.  governor in the name of the king.

                                        The governor will be ruling the city
            Future Continuous                                                          X
                                        in the name of the king.
                                        The governor will have ruled  the   The city will have been ruled by the
            Future Perfect
                                        city in the name of the king.   governor in the name of the king.
                                        The governor will have been ruling
            Future Perfect Continuous                                                  X
                                        the city in the name of the king.

                  Modals                    Active                       Passive

            Modals (can, may,     The governor should rule the   The city should be ruled by the
            should, could etc.)   city in the name of the king.  governor in the name of the king.
                                                                                                 Video 5.3
            Past Modals (could,   The governor should have ruled   The city should have been
            should, must, might   the city in the name of the king.  ruled by the governor in the
            etc. have +V )                                     name of the king.

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