Page 99 - 12 YDT
P. 99


            Resmi duyurularda
           ▪ The new subway route connecting the airport to the city centre will be opened at the weekend.
           ▪ The annual conference will be held on December 15  at the convention centre.
            Bilimsel metinlerde
           ▪ The latest research has revealed that damage on the ozone layer has been patched up with the precautions taken.

           ▪ When heat is transferred by molecular collision, it is referred to as “heat transfer by convection”.


            Geçişsiz / Nesne almayan fiiller edilgen yapılamaz.
           ▪ If you do not want to be late for the flight, we should leave now.
           ▪ It was almost midnight by the time we arrived home.                                 Video 5.4

            Hem geçişli hem de geçişsiz olarak kullanılabilen bazı fiiller geçişli yapıda kullanıldıklarında edilgen yapıya

           ▪ The local health clinic opens at 09.00 a.m. on weekdays. (Intransitive - No Passive)
           ▪ The building attendant opens the clinic before the other staff arrive. (Transitive – Active)
           ▪ The clinic is opened before the other staff arrive. (Passive)

            “Resemble,  lack,  consist,  become,  have,  contain”  gibi  fiiller  geçişli  olmalarına  rağmen  edilgen  yapıda
           ▪ Junk food contains too many harmful substances, especially for the physical development of children during their
             growing up period.
            Çift Nesne Alan Fiiller

           Etken  bir  cümlede  fiilin  “direct”  (dolaysız)  ve  “indirect”  (dolaylı)  olmak  üzere  iki  nesnesi  var
           ise cümle iki farklı şekilde edilgen (passive) yapılabilir, ancak genellikle dolaylı nesne edilgen
                                                                                                 Video 5.5
           (passive) cümlenin öznesi olur.
           ▪ The government awarded my sister a scholarship so that she could continue her education abroad. (Active)

           ▪ My sister was awarded a scholarship by the government so that she could continue her education abroad. (Passive)
           ▪ A scholarship was awarded to my sister by the government so that she could continue her education abroad.

            Passive yapılarda “by” kullanımı

           Passive cümlede eylemi gerçekleştiren önemli ise “by” edatı ile birlikte belirtilir. Şayet eylem bir
           kişi tarafından değil de bir nesne yoluyla gerçekleşiyorsa “by” yerine “with” kullanılır.
                                                                                                 Video 5.6
           ▪ The old city was restored by a construction and restoration company.
           ▪ The door was smashed open with a hammer.
            Eylemi gerçekleştirenin belirtilmediği passive kullanımı çok yaygındır. Eğer eylemi yapanın belirtilmesi önemli
           değilse, bilinmiyorsa veya yapanın kimliği yaygın olarak biliniyorsa “by” kullanılmaz.

           ▪ The old city has been restored for five years.
            Passive yapılarda “it” ve “there” kullanımı

           Eylemi gerçekleştirenin önemli olmadığı durumlarda “it”  ve “there”  sıklıkla kullanılır.
           ▪ It was decided to provide students with the opportunity to select courses based on their interests.
           ▪ There are expected to be changes in the company’s policies by the management.

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