Page 25 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
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YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 1. DENEME
71. Meksikalı sanatçı Frida Kahlo, otoportreleri, acıları, 72. İnaktive edilmiş aşı; bir kültürde büyütülen ve
tutkuları ve cesur, canlı renkleriyle hatırlanıyor. ardından hastalık üretme kapasitesini yok etmek
için öldürülen virüs partikülleri, bakteriler veya
A) The Mexican artist Frida Kahlo is famous for her diğer patojenlerden oluşan bir aşı türüdür.
self-portraits, pain, passion, and bold, vibrant
colours. A) An inactivated type of vaccine consisting of virus
B) The Mexican artist Frida Kahlo is known for her particles, bacteria, or other pathogens that are
self-portraits, pain, passion, and bold, vibrant killed to destroy their disease-producing capacity
colours. is grown in a culture.
C) Frida Kahlo, a Mexican artist, is remembered for B) An inactivated vaccine is a type of vaccine
her self-portraits, pain, passion, and bold, vibrant consisting of virus particles, bacteria, or other
colours. pathogens that are grown in a culture and then
killed to destroy their disease-producing capacity.
D) Frida Kahlo is remembered for her self-portraits,
pain, and bold, vibrant colours, besides being C) An inactivated vaccine is a vaccine grown in a
Mexican. culture to wipe out the destructive features of
the disease-producing capacity of virus particles,
E) Frida Kahlo, who is known for her self-portraits,
bacteria, or other pathogens.
pain, passion, and use of bold, vibrant colours, is
Mexican. D) An inactivated vaccine is a type of vaccine that
is made by growing virus particles, bacteria, or
other pathogens in a culture and destroying their
capacity to produce disease.
E) An inactivated vaccine is a form of vaccine that is
grown in a culture which excludes virus particles,
bacteria, and other pathogens that are killed to
wipe out their disease-making capacity.
12. SINIF 25 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.