Page 26 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 26

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 1. DENEME

           73.  Anne  sütünde  ilk  kez  mikroplastik  bulan   74.  Tip 2 diyabet için bir tedavi olmamasına rağmen
               araştırmacılar, bu maddelerin bebekler üzerindeki   kilonuzu   kontrol   altında   tutarak,   dengeli
               potansiyel sağlık etkileri konusunda büyük endişe   beslenerek  ve  düzenli  fiziksel  aktivite  yaparak
               duyduklarını belirtti.                          hastalığı yönetebilirsiniz.

               A)  The first to discover microplastics in breast milk,   A)  Maintaining a healthy weight, nutrition, and
                  the researchers were extremely concerned about   lifestyle could help you manage type 2 diabetes,
                  the possible negative health consequences these   which currently has no treatment.
                  compounds could have on infants.             B)  Despite the lack of a cure, type 2 diabetes can
               B)  As a result of the first-ever discovery of     be controlled with measures such as maintaining
                  microplastics in human breast milk, researchers   a healthy body weight, eating well, and getting
                  became greatly concerned about their potential   regular exercise.
                  health impacts on infants.                   C)  Type 2 diabetes cannot be cured, but it can be
               C)  Researchers who found microplastics in breast   controlled by maintaining a healthy weight, eating
                  milk for the first time expressed great concern   a balanced diet, and staying active.
                  about the potential health effects of these   D)  Though there is no cure for type 2 diabetes, you
                  substances on infants.                          can manage the disease by keeping your weight
               D)  Microplastics  found  for  the  first  time  in  human   in check, eating a balanced diet, and engaging in
                  breastmilk have aroused concern for infants who   regular physical activity.
                  might be negatively affected by these compounds.  E)  Despite the absence of a treatment that can
               E)  Researchers’ discovery of microplastics in human   reverse the effects of type 2 diabetes, you can
                  breast  milk has attracted  great attention to  the   manage it by eating a healthy diet and doing
                  potential health effects of these substances on   regular physical activity.

           12. SINIF                                   26                             Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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