Page 28 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 28
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 1. DENEME
78. (I) According to NASA, a massive fireball exploded 80. (I) For nearly 3,000 years, ancient Egypt was one
in the Earth’s atmosphere last year. (II) Only two or of the most advanced civilisations. (II) The ancient
three times every 100 years is a fireball of this size Egyptians made big changes to their art, buildings,
expected to occur. (III) The explosion was the greatest and way of life, keeping them moving forward and
after a fireball over Chelyabinsk, Russia, ten years rich for a long time. (III) It began as small settlements
ago and the second largest of its kind in 30 years. along the Nile and expanded into larger kingdoms.
(IV) The space rock explosion released ten times as (IV) These kingdoms were then united into the realm
much energy as the Hiroshima atomic bomb. (V) That of ancient Egypt around 3100 BC. (V) From then on,
emission of energy was 40% of that of Chelyabinsk, the story of the civilisation, whose architecture and
but because it occurred over the Bering Sea, it had artefacts have been exceptionally well preserved,
a different kind of impact and did not make the news. began providing evidence of a once-thriving kingdom
and its culture.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
79. (I) Regardless of its numerous advantages, the hybrid
work model might put a barrier between people who
favour working from home and those who prefer an
office environment. (II) Hybrid work is a people-first
approach to workplace management that improves
productivity and job satisfaction while removing
the major disadvantages of remote work, such as
alienation and a lack of community. (III) Employees
who work under a hybrid work model have more
freedom to work from home or any other location
where they can be effective. (IV) Additionally, they can
work whenever they want, allowing them to plan their
tasks around regular meeting times and concentrate
on their job without interruptions or distractions.
(V) Above all, the hybrid work model can raise
productivity levels within a company when carefully
and strategically planned.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
12. SINIF 28