Page 32 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 32

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 2. DENEME

           7.   Archaeological evidence in Guatemala showing   10.  There are some limitations ---- the amount of
               the chemical traces of cacao ---- that the Maya ----   paper which has to be recycled, as some paper
               cacao over 2,600 years ago.                     products cannot be collected ---- reuse.

               A)  will demonstrate / should have processed    A)  from / into
               B)  had demonstrated / used to process          B)  to / for
               C)  has demonstrated / should process           C)  over / under
               D)  demonstrated / would have processed         D)  on / about
               E)  demonstrates / could process                E)  with / in

           8.   ---- one of the most influential women of the   11.  ---- western clothing styles emphasise the body
               Roman Empire, Agrippina  is believed ---- her   of  the wearer, kimonos,  a traditional  Japanese
               military hero husband, Germanicus, on his most   garment, have a distinctive T-shape which hides
               challenging expeditions.                        the form of the wearer’s body.

               A)  To have been / having accompanied           A)  Because
               B)  Having been / to be accompanied             B)  While
               C)  To be / to have been accompanied            C)  Unless
               D)  Being / to have accompanied                 D)  Only when
               E)  Been / having been accompanied              E)  Just as

           9.   Our globe has warmed ---- 1.1°C since the industrial   12.  When seen from Earth, Venus seems to shine ----
               revolution around 200 years ago, which experts   its atmosphere is full of thick sulfuric acid clouds
               attribute ---- human-caused climate change.     that reflect sunlight, making it look bright.

               A)  by / to                                     A)  even if
               B)  for / with                                  B)  because
               C)  over / at                                   C)  unless
               D)  on / from                                   D)  although
               E)  off / in                                    E)  providing

           12. SINIF                                   32                             Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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