Page 35 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 35
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 2. DENEME
25. Because paper comes from a renewable resource, 27. Given that the last century has witnessed a vast
----. increase in the number of births, ----.
A) people cannot use it regularly in daily life A) human populations remained almost entirely
B) tonnes of wood fibre used to come from abroad stable until the late nineteenth century
C) it is different from other waste products like plastic B) it is highly improbable that there will be a marked
decline in the ratio of population to the food supply
D) governments must encourage citizens to use it
less C) the fertility rate in the world today is still
considerably below the replacement level
E) more books must be published in the future
D) many experts doubt that the world’s resources will
be able to support a continued rise in population
E) it is, unfortunately, true that the average length of
human life has not changed significantly
26. Even if all necessary precautions against a flood 28. ---- as there is not enough scientific evidence to
have been taken, ----. support many of them.
A) damage and destruction are nevertheless likely to A) Some manufacturers use proper disclaimers to
occur discourage the overuse of their products
B) additional floods will take fewer lives and cause B) The marketing claims linked with alkaline water
less destruction should be taken with caution
C) all further concerns should be dismissed from C) Many people believe that alkaline water is purer
one’s mind and healthier than regular tap water
D) the residents of an affected area can return to D) Many consumers will probably be disappointed in
their normal lives the quality of their purchases
E) the new dam would have prevented a potential E) The health benefits of drinking alkaline water over
disaster by retaining the water regular bottled water cannot be ignored
12. SINIF 35 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.