Page 40 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 40
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 2. DENEME
42. According to the passage, Pando is a single
41. - 43. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. organism since ----.
A) nearly forty thousand individual trees have the
The world’s largest living thing, a massive aspen (a tree
same root system despite having non-identical
with leaves that shake even when there is only a little
wind) forest in Utah, appears to be threatened due to
overgrazing. This gigantic organism, known as Pando, B) the newly developing trees are able to replace the
is primarily eaten up by mule deer and cattle, and new old ones before the latter get diseased and die
research suggests that human efforts to protect the C) it is made up of a cluster of stems that are
forest may worsen the situation. With a surface area genetically identical and come from the same root
of 430,000 m and a dry weight of over 6,000 tonnes, system
Pando is readily mistaken for a vast forest of over
D) it covers a surface area of more than four hundred
40,000 individual trees. In reality, it is a collection of
square metres and has a dry weight of over six
genetically identical stems with a shared root system,
thousand tonnes
so it is a single organism. Although the precise age of
E) the stems that constitute it can regenerate into a
this collection of clones is uncertain, experts assume
new organism when separated from the plant
that Pando dates back to the end of the last Ice Age.
As a keystone species, Pando sustains hundreds of
other species and serves as the foundation of an entire
ecosystem. However, research carried out in 2017 found
that browsing deer and cattle consumed an excessive
number of immature aspen shoots, preventing them
from maturing. This meant that if older trees died out,
they were no longer replaced by new growth, posing a
threat to the survival of this extraordinary life form.
41. It is understood from the passage that Pando is in 43. What is the author’s attitude towards the
danger as a result of ----. overgrazing of Pando?
A) inadequate human efforts to protect the forest A) Submissive
B) lack of food for animals grazing over farms and B) Concerned
fields C) Accusatory
C) an excessive number of immature aspen roots D) Thoughtful
D) certain animal species that graze more than E) Encouraging
E) the older trees that die out from lack of sunlight
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