Page 43 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 43
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 2. DENEME
48. Jerry:
49. - 53. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın
– ---- cümleyi bulunuz.
Tim: 49. For correct identification, rocks and minerals
– Me, neither. They’re trustworthy, smart, and must be examined in person from all angles, as
good partners to play with. they are extremely difficult to identify through
Jerry: photographs.
– They’re more than that. They can even smell out A) Like other earth materials, rocks and minerals
cancer cells if trained properly. are difficult to identify in person from all aspects,
Tim: while it is much easier to examine them correctly
through photographs.
– Then, it means that they can be used by
professionals to diagnose those cells earlier. B) It is almost impossible to identify rocks and
minerals precisely through images; instead, they
A) Fierce dogs should be given decent care and are required to be studied in person from all
education by experts. perspectives.
B) The golden retriever is said to be less intelligent C) Since images are challenging to classify precisely,
than thought. it is necessary to study rocks and minerals
meticulously from every point.
C) There have been studies to fight against cancer
with the help of animals. D) In order to categorise rocks and minerals
accurately, one must thoroughly examine every
D) Cancer patients should live in a lovely environment
aspect of their images in person.
with animals.
E) Examinations of rocks and minerals through
E) I can’t imagine a world without animals, especially
photographs must be carried out carefully,
considering how demanding it would be to study
them in person.
12. SINIF 43 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.