Page 48 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 48

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 2. DENEME

           60.  ---- The primary function is most likely    61.  In the majority of individuals, the kidneys struggle
               thermo-regulation, which is how an organism     to remove excess sodium from the blood. As
               keeps its body temperature within an appropriate   sodium accumulates, the body holds onto water
               range. The animal lives in a hot environment, and   in an effort to dilute it. This raises the volume of
               in  order  to  maintain  its  body  temperature  from   blood in the bloodstream as well as the amount of
               getting too high, it needs to release excess body   fluid around cells. ---- Over time, the added work
               heat, which is stored in fluids and tissues, back   and pressure could stiffen blood vessels, leading
               into the environment. As the elephant flaps its   to high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack. In
               ears, blood vessels close to the surface of the   addition to this, it may result in heart failure.
               skin of the ears can force heat out of the body.
               Besides, the large external  part  of each ear is   A)  Taking in a lot of salt raises the amount of urinary
               believed to help the animal hear by directing      protein, which is a major risk factor for developing
               outside noises to the inner ear.                   kidney disease.
                                                               B)  The kidneys get rid of toxins in the blood and
               A)  The size of elephant ears is proportionate to their   control how much other things are dissolved in
                  geographic distribution.                        the blood.
               B)  Elephant ears are almost one-sixth the size of its   C)  When the amount of blood goes up, the heart has
                  total body.                                     to work harder, and blood vessels are put under
               C)  An elephant flares its ears out so as to signal a   more pressure.
                  warning or excitement.                       D)  Through filtration and diffusion, the kidneys
               D)  Each elephant’s ear has its own distinct       clean the blood and keep the right number of
                  appearance and characteristics.                 substances in it.
               E)  The huge ears of an elephant serve several   E)  Hormones produced by the kidneys aid in
                  purposes.                                       regulating blood pressure and control calcium

           12. SINIF                                   48                             Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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