Page 47 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 47

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 2. DENEME

           57.  Your brother and his friends are planning a day
                                                            59. - 63. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam
               of camping out of town this weekend. However,   bütünlüğünü  sağlamak  için  getirilebilecek  cümleyi
               you remind him that he has promised to help   bulunuz.
               you with your move on that date. He says he
                                                           59.  Misophonia is a condition in which particular
               cannot cancel the trip. So you say to express
                                                               noises cause emotional or physiological reactions
               your disappointment: ----
                                                               that some people may consider irrational. People
                                                               with  misophonia  are  emotionally  influenced  by
               A)  It’s very impolite of you to make a promise and
                                                               everyday sounds that others do not notice. Oral
                  then back out. You hurt me a lot.
                                                               sounds, such as  loud  breathing, chewing,  and
               B)  Okay, don’t worry about that. I think I can change
                                                               swallowing, as well as clicking sounds from
                  my move date.
                                                               the keyboard, fingers, windscreen wipers, and
               C)  I’m really sorry, but it’s not possible for me to join   many other sounds connected to movement,
                  your camping trip.                           are common triggers. ---- So, it is a disorder that
               D)  Never mind, I’ll hire full-service movers. Enjoy   might substantially impair social interaction, and,
                  camping with your friends.                   ultimately, mental health.
               E)  I know you love being outside, and disappointing
                                                               A)  Some people are more affected than others, and
                  your friends would be a shame.
                                                                  as those with this illness tend to avoid the trigger
                                                                  sounds, it might result in isolation.
                                                               B)  Most of the time, it starts around puberty, with the
                                                                  earliest signs frequently emerging between the
                                                                  ages of 9 and 12.
                                                               C)  In a recent study, researchers tried to identify the
                                                                  brain areas that are involved during the emotional
                                                                  misophonic reaction.
                                                               D)  Cognitive behavioural therapy and auditory
                                                                  distraction have shown some promise in
                                                                  improving functioning.
                                                               E)  Doctors can confuse the symptoms of misophonia
                                                                  with those of an anxiety disorder while attempting
                                                                  to diagnose a patient with the condition.

           58.  You are at a dinner party at one of your friend’s
               house. You are on a diet, but you do not want to
               say so. The people around you are insisting that
               you should certainly try the dessert. You refuse
               them stating an excuse, so you say: ----

               A)  If I were on a diet, I would tell you, guys.
               B)  Thank you very much, but I’m on a strict diet.
               C)  It seems delicious, and I can’t help trying it.
               D)  Well, maybe I can eat a small piece of it.
               E)  Thank you. I’m full already and can’t eat one more

           12. SINIF                                   47                             Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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