Page 46 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 46

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 2. DENEME

                                                           56.  One  of  your  classmates will be  moving to  a
            54.  -  58.  sorularda,  verilen  durumda  söylenmiş
                                                               different city soon because of her father’s job,
            olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
                                                               so she is very upset about leaving school. She is
           54.  After a heavy day, you are walking home on the   concerned that adjusting to her new school and
               main street. A young boy is walking towards you   neighbourhood will take a long time. You want to
               with his headphones on, looking unaware of his   console her, so you say: ----
               environment. He appears so engrossed in what
                                                               A)  If you stay in touch with your friends through text
               he is listening to that he fails to notice you. He
                                                                  messages and  phone  calls,  they’ll  never forget
               hits you, but he thinks that it is your fault. Being
               fairly understanding, you respond to him gently
               by saying: ----                                 B)  Moving has numerous benefits, such as getting
                                                                  involved in activities you’d never participate in at
               A)  You could have been hurt, young man. You       this school.
                  should  pay  more  attention  to  your  surrounding   C)  I know it’s hard to leave, but it will get easier over
                  while enjoying the music.                       time when you have friends around you.
               B)  I’m terribly sorry to hurt you, ma’am. If it hadn’t   D)  It’s not easy to get used to a new city, and you
                  been for your attention, something much worse   should be prepared for some problems.
                  could have happened.
                                                               E)  Never mind, it’ll only be a few years before you
               C)  I’m sorry. I was talking to one of my colleagues
                                                                  come back to visit and see your friends.
                  about our project, so I wasn’t aware that you were
                  walking towards me.
               D)  How can you be so reckless, dear? I almost fell
                  down and broke my bones.
               E)  It’s rude of you to think that this was my fault!
                  You’re the one wearing that gadget on your head
                  and walking around carelessly, not me.

           55.  You buy a specially designed hat for your friend’s
               birthday, and she says she loves the gift very
               much. Then, one day, you come across your
               friend and her sister while going downtown, and
               you see her sister wearing the hat. So you say
               sarcastically to your friend: ----

               A)  I guess you won’t see me at your birthday parties
                  because I no longer wish to be your friend.
               B)  I’m really upset that you let your sister wear the
                  hat. Didn’t you tell her that it was a gift from me?
               C)  I suppose you forgot to tell me your sister liked
                  that hat. I wish I had bought her one, too.
               D)  You could have told me that the hat isn’t to your
                  taste. I thought we were friends.
               E)  It’s extremely heartbreaking to see that your
                  present is being used by somebody else.

           12. SINIF                                   46                             Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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