Page 45 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 45
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 2. DENEME
52. Even if no one in your family has had blue or green 53. Invented about 5,000 years ago, the earliest
eyes in the past few generations, these recessive chopsticks were used mainly for cooking, not
traits can still develop in later generations. eating, which continues to surprise modern
A) You can only have blue or green eyes if there
are such recessive features in the previous A) The first chopsticks, which were invented 5,000
generation of your family. years ago, were only used for cooking, not eating,
B) Though eye colours are passed down through which continues to astound modern scientists.
generations, blue or green eyes, which are B) It took around 5,000 years for people to find a way
recessive traits, are determined by the last to eat cooked meals by using chopsticks, which is
generation of your family. a surprising fact for the scientists of the day.
C) Blue or green eyes are recessive features, and C) Almost 5,000 years ago, modern people and
whether or not anyone in recent generations of scientists used to cook with chopsticks and then
your family has ever had them, they could show eat with them shockingly.
up in future generations. D) The earliest chopsticks, which were developed
D) If no one in your family has blue or green eyes, it around 5,000 years ago, were primarily used
is impossible for these recessive traits to appear for cooking rather than eating, which keeps
in the coming generations. astonishing modern scientists.
E) There must be more than one person of the E) Neither eating nor cooking was possible until the
generation with blue or green eyes in your family invention of the first chopsticks 5,000 years ago,
for these recessive traits to arise in subsequent which surprised modern scientists.
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