Page 53 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 53

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 2. DENEME

                                                           71.  Amerika  Birleşik  Devletleri’nde,  hava  trafik
            70. - 75. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca
                                                               kontrolünün  yapısı,  uçuş  güvenliğini  önemli
            en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                               ölçüde  artırmıştır  ve  benzer  hava  trafik  kontrol
           70.  Yenidoğanların,  çevreleri  üzerindeki  etkileri   uygulamaları,  dünyanın  geri  kalanının  büyük  bir
               hakkında  en  güçlü  bilgiyi,  başkaları  onları  taklit   kısmında benzer şekilde uygulanmaktadır.
               ettiğinde aldıkları bilinmektedir.
                                                               A)  In the United States, the structure of air traffic
               A)  The most powerful source of information for    control has significantly boosted flight safety, and
                  newborns should be provided when others         similar air traffic control practices are likewise in
                  around mimic them about the effects they can    effect throughout a large portion of the rest of the
                  have on the world.                              world.
               B)  Newborns are known to receive the strongest   B)  Similar air traffic control procedures are also in
                  information about their impact on their         place over much of the United States, as they
                  environment when others imitate them.           have greatly increased the safety of flight over
               C)  When others mimic newborns, they are provided   much of the rest of the world.
                  with the most powerful source of information   C)  The safety of flight in the United States has been
                  about the effects they have on the world around   greatly increased by the structure of similar air
                  them.                                           traffic control systems, and it is also in place over
               D)  Newborns are given the knowledge they require   much of the rest of the world.
                  to comprehend the impact they may have on    D)  The way air traffic control is  organised has
                  people around them.                             significantly improved flight safety in the United
               E)  While others tend to imitate them, newborns are   States, and comparable air traffic control practices
                  known to receive the strongest information about   need to be used in much of the rest of the globe
                  their impact on their environment.              as well.
                                                               E)  Similar air traffic control procedures have also
                                                                  been in place over much of the United States, as
                                                                  they will greatly increase the safety of flight over
                                                                  much of the rest of the world.

           12. SINIF                                   53                             Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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