Page 54 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 54
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 2. DENEME
72. Dünya nüfusunun yarısından fazlasının yaşadığı 73. Son araştırmalar, dinozorların günümüz kuşlarına
sanayileşmiş ülkelerde, emzirilen çocukların ve memelilerine benzer davranış kalıpları
sayısı 1970’lerden beri istikrarlı bir şekilde sergilemiş olabileceğini göstermiştir.
A) It has been proven with recent studies that dinosaurs
A) Since the 1970s, there has been a steady may have exhibited behavioural patterns similar to
decline in the number of breastfed children in those of modern-day birds and mammals.
industrialised countries, where more than half the
B) Recent studies have proven that dinosaurs exhibited
world’s people live.
behavioural patterns similar to those of modern-day
B) The number of breastfed children has been birds and mammals.
falling steadily since the 1970s, especially in
C) Recent studies have shown that dinosaurs might
industrialised countries where more than half of
have exhibited patterns of behaviour similar to those
the world’s population lives.
of modern-day birds and mammals.
C) In industrialising countries, where more than half
D) Studies have recently shown that dinosaurs used
of the world’s population lives, the steady decline
to exhibit patterns of behaviour similar to those of
in the number of breastfed children has continued
modern-day birds and mammals.
since the 1970s.
E) The fact that dinosaurs might have exhibited patterns
D) The number of breastfed children has been on
a steady decline since the 1970s, especially in of behaviour similar to those of modern-day birds
industrialising countries where almost half of the and mammals has been shown by recent studies.
world’s population lives.
E) In industrialised countries, where more than
half the world’s population lives, the number of
children being breastfed has been steadily falling
since the 1970s.
74. World Wide Web’in ortaya çıkmasından önce
dosya ve mesaj alışverişi yapmak mümkün olsa
da arayüz kullanıcı dostu değildi.
A) Although it was possible to exchange files and
messages prior to the emergence of the World
Wide Web, the interface was not user-friendly.
B) Prior to the development of the World Wide
Web, it was impossible to exchange files and
messages, but the user interface was friendly.
C) Until the emergence of the World Wide Web,
the interface was not user-friendly, so files and
messages could be exchanged.
D) Before the advent of the World Wide Web, it was
feasible to share files and messages because the
interface was not user-friendly.
E) Until the World Wide Web, it was not possible to
send files and messages to each other, as the
interface was not easy to use.
12. SINIF 54 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.