Page 27 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 27

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 1. DENEME

           75.  Demir eksikliği, hücrelerin yeterli oksijen almasını
                                                            76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
               zorlaştırabilir,  bu  da  sonuç  olarak  yorgunluğa,
                                                            parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
               iş  yerinde  düşük  performansa  ve  bağışıklığın
               azalmasına neden olur.                      76.  (I) The archipelago off the shore of İstanbul is known
                                                               as the Princes’ Islands of İstanbul. (II) The islands were
               A)  Iron deficiency can result in fatigue, poor   named after banished princes during the Byzantine
                  performance at work, and reduced immunity as it   period. (III) It comprises nine islands, four of which are
                  makes it hard for cells to get enough oxygen.  inhabited  (Büyükada,  Heybeliada,  Burgazada,  and
               B)  As iron deficiency makes it difficult for cells to   Kınalada) and five of which are not. (IV) Büyükada,
                  get enough oxygen, it can result in fatigue, poor   rich in culture and history, is home to the historically
                  performance at work, and weakened immunity.  significant Hagia Yorgi Church and several beaches.
               C)  Iron deficiency can make it hard for cells to   (V) The Princes’ Islands are easily accessible by ferry
                  get enough oxygen, which ultimately results in   from İstanbul and are an excellent area to swim in the
                  fatigue, poor performance at work, and diminished   water, get away from the crowd, and enjoy a relaxing
                  immunity.                                    day.
               D)  Fatigue, poor performance at work, and a    A) I    B) II   C) III  D) IV   E) V
                  weakened immune system can all come from
                  cells not receiving enough oxygen due to iron
               E)  Not getting enough oxygen to cells owing to iron
                  deficiency can cause fatigue, poor performance
                  at work, and a compromised immune system.

                                                           77.  (I) Most of the time, a wax museum or waxwork is a
                                                               collection of wax sculptures of famous people from
                                                               the past and present that are posed like real people
                                                               and wear real clothes. (II) Some wax museums have
                                                               a particular room called the Chamber of Horrors, where
                                                               the  scariest  displays  are  kept.  (III)  Madame  Tussaud
                                                               opened her first permanent collection in Baker Street,
                                                               London, in 1835. (IV) Some others have collections that
                                                               are more specialised, like those of wax medical models
                                                               that were once used to teach people how to be doctors.
                                                               (V) Wax figures can also be used as part of displays
                                                               in  museums  and  historical  houses  that  are  not  wax

                                                               A) I    B) II   C) III  D) IV   E) V

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