P. 61
Cloze Test-1
Planning skill is used in most of the work (6) _______ is done
Verilen parçalarda numaralandırılmış yerlere uygun düşen unconsciously in daily life. It is the whole mental process related
sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. to finding suitable solutions, evaluating them, and developing
strategies when faced (7) _______ a problem. Research on
Elvis Presley, (1) _______ albums have sold over 1 billion, has bilingual and monolingual children shows that bilingual children
been followed by millions of people with his unique style, stage have shorter planning times than monolinguals. They also play
performances, and impressive voice, breaking new ground in the a faster and more active role in planning because it is easier for
history of music and becoming a school for subsequent musical them (8) _______ the problems and solutions. Various cognitive
formations. Although many years have passed since Elvis Presley’s (9) _______ take place in the planning skill and form the basis
death, he is one of the famous personalities who (2) _______ as of learning. Although knowing more than one language supports
the king of Rock’n Roll around the world. Elvis, who was quite poor the planning skill, parents have a key role in the development of
before he became famous and knew what (3) _______ meant, never it. (10) _______, asking children open-ended questions about
forgot what he had been through, and so did charity work throughout a situation or event, learning and respecting their thoughts,
his life. In fact, the reason behind his meeting with the guitar was choices, and preferences will help them develop their planning
their misery. Elvis asked his father (4) _______ him a bicycle, but his skills.
father, who could not afford it, was able to buy a guitar for his son.
And although he did not realise it, when Elvis picked up his guitar,
he actually took his first step (5) _______ stardom.
1. 6.
A) who B) whose A) when B) why
C) that D) which C) that D) who
E) where E) where
2. 7.
A) remembers B) was remembered A) on B) against
C) remembered D) has remembered C) for D) about
E) is remembered E) with
3. 8.
A) wealth B) poverty A) to connect B) to be connecting
C) prosperity D) potency C) connecting D) being connected
E) fortune E) having been connected
4. 9.
A) buy B) buying A) innovations B) closures
C) bought D) to buy C) injuries D) processes
E) having bought E) basements
5. 10.
A) towards B) against A) In addition B) For instance
C) for D) up C) However D) Besides
E) out of E) On the contrary