P. 60

ENGLISH                                                                                   3  STEP-B

        2020 YDT                                               2021 YDT
        9.   Some students wrongly interpret failure as resulting from   13.  Human hearing is not ______ sensitive ______ that of a bat
            lack of ability ______ lack of effort, and do nothing about   or a dog, but human beings make a wide range of sounds.
            it since they believe that ability, unlike effort, is something
                                                                   A) both / and
            they really cannot do much about.
                                                                   B) neither / nor
            A) rather than                                         C) as / as
            B) similar to                                          D) whether / or
            C) in case of                                          E) either / or
            D) in terms of
            E) except for

        2021 YDT
        10.  Palaeontologists ______ that small mammals ______ the   14.  The production of plastics and their accumulation in the
            extinction of dinosaurs by eating their eggs; however,   natural environment are increasing at an unprecedented
            currently they think the rise of mammals was an effect of   rate ______ indiscriminate use, inadequate recycling, and
            the demise of dinosaurs.                               dumping in landfills.

            A) may think / could have caused                       A) owing to
            B) must think / would have caused                      B) as opposed to
            C) used to think / might have caused                   C) rather than
            D) had to think / should have caused                   D) except for
            E) would think / must have caused                      E) in spite of

        2021 YDT
        11.  ______ bacteria were discovered in the 17  century,   15.  The discovery of a completely intact dinosaur embryo in
            infectious diseases were thought to be caused by sickly   China, which is at least 66 million years old and ______
            smells.                                                from its egg like a chicken, ______ new light on the
                                                                   relationship between the behaviours of modern birds and
            A) Once
                                                                   those of dinosaurs.
            B) Given that
            C) Since                                               A) is able to hatch / may shed
            D) Until                                               B) was about to hatch / will shed
            E) Even if                                             C) would hatch / could shed
                                                                   D) was supposed to hatch / would shed
                                                                   E) might hatch / should shed

        2021 YDT
        12.  On the black market, prices of ______ thousand dollars   16.  Asteroid fragments and the first dinosaur fossils from
            are paid for the extremely rare hyacinth macaw, which is   an asteroid impact 66 million years ago ______ by a
            ______ sought after by enthusiasts.                    palaeontologist at a dig site in North Dakota, which could
                                                                   be the first physical evidence that dinosaurs ______ by an
            A) any / a lot
                                                                   asteroid impact.
            B) each / neither
            C) several / much                                      A) were unearthed / have been wiped out
            D) some / a little                                     B) had been unearthed / would be wiped out
            E) enough / all                                        C) would have been unearthed / were being wiped out
                                                                   D) were being unearthed / had been wiped out
                                                                   E) have been unearthed / were wiped out

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