P. 59

ENGLISH                                             3

                                                               2020 YDT
           Verilen  sorularda  boş  bırakılan  yerlere  uygun  düşen   5.   Kefir is a fermented drink similar ______ yoghurt and is
           sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                                   valued  ______ its beneficial  effects on  microbes  in  our
        2019 YDT                                                   gut.
        1.   The town of Ushuaia lies at the southern tip of Argentina,
                                                                   A) in / as
            ______ close to the Antarctic ______ it is bitterly cold for
                                                                   B) with / about
            much of the year.
                                                                   C) around / of
            A) such / that                                         D) to / for
            B) as / as                                             E) from / by
            C) the more / the more
            D) either / or
            E) so / that

                                                               2020 YDT
                                                               6.   ______  the  wheel  was  invented,  humans  had  devised
        2019 YDT
        2.   The numerous Italian princes’ palaces became significiant   various ways to move heavy objects around.
            centres of the Renaissance and the Baroque periods     A) As long as
            ______ their comparatively minor political influence.
                                                                   B) Before
            A) due to                                              C) Whenever
            B) rather than                                         D) In case
            C) in terms of                                         E) Unless
            D) as well as
            E) despite

                                                               2020 YDT
        2020 YDT                                               7.   Today, ______ language is completely isolated from
        3.   In the 19-mile exclusion zone surrounding the Chernobyl   ______ languages, which means there is a constant
            power plant in Ukraine, which ______ following the 1986   contact among all languages.
            reactor meltdown, plants and animals ______ now in ways   A) any / a few
            they never had before.
                                                                   B) no / other
            A) used to be contaminated / thrive                    C) a / several
            B) has been contaminated / will have been thriving     D) all / many
            C) would have been contaminated / have been thriving   E) each / any
            D) was contaminated / are thriving
            E) had been contaminated / were thriving

        2020 YDT                                               2020 YDT
        4.   ______ as the main shipping route between the Indian and   8.   ______ people you dine with, ______ food you are likely to
            Pacific Oceans, Singapore ______ traders from China,   eat because when dining with another person, people eat
            India, and Europe for years.                           35 percent more than when they are alone.

            A) To be served / had attracted                        A) Whether / or
            B) Being served / would be attracting                  B) Not only / but also
            C) To serve / will have been attracting                C) The more / the more
            D) Serving / has been attracting                       D) Either / or
            E) Served / was attracting                             E) Neither / nor

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