P. 77
Cloze Test-3
2020 YDT
Verilen parçalarda numaralandırılmış yerlere uygun düşen The Incas were among the ancient people that used to live
sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. in South America. They used both conquest and peaceful
assimilations to expand their empire (6) _______ it became the
2018 YDT
largest in pre-Colombian America. Expansion was remarkably
The nervous system is the most complex of all the body’s
rapid, starting in earnest in the reign of Pachacuti around 1438.
systems. It is a detailed network of sensory cells, originating
Pachacuti and his son, Tupac Inca, created a huge federal
in the brain and spinal cord that transmits signals (1) _______
system consisting of four provinces, each (7) _______ by an
the body. It uses a caravan of chemical messengers to make Inca governor. Following each new conquest, magnificent
sense of this marvelous complex that we (2) _______ as touch, roads, many of which were paved, were built to link it to the
taste, smell, hearing, and vision. In fact, at this precise moment, capital of Cuzco and the rest of the empire. With its high-quality
(3) _______ an extraordinary relationship between our eyes building work, Machu Pichu is the best preserved (8) _______
and our brain, we are able to see and understand what we of the Inca civilisation. It is today a fine example of architecture
are reading. Modern cameras (4) _______ on the same basic and planning (9) _______ being abandoned in the 16 century.
principles as our eye. (5) _______, they have never been The quality of the stonework, the high altitude of its position
able to equal the visual power of the eye. The focus and the and the numerous temples that have been identified among
automatic aperture of the human eye are perfect. its ruins seem to indicate that Machu Pichu was very important
(10) _______ the Inca people.
1. 6.
A) throughout B) with A) whether B) whenever
C) on D) against C) unless D) if
E) by E) until
2. 7.
A) visualise A) overseen
B) classify B) overseeing
C) notice C) to have overseen
D) duplicate D) oversee
E) integrate E) to oversee
3. 8.
A) in addition to B) instead of A) occupation B) settlement
C) despite D) similar to C) requirement D) destruction
E) because of E) cultivation
4. 9.
A) will be designed A) despite
B) had been designed B) rather than
C) are designed C) in case of
D) will have been designed D) in addition to
E) were being designed E) in terms of
5. 10.
A) However B) Instead A) off B) from
C) For instance D) Thus C) by D) for
E) Furthermore E) upon