P. 82

ENGLISH                                                                                     2  STEP

        7.   Freshwater  sources  are  getting  more  and  more  scarce   10.  Now, all robots have learning abilities like humans thanks
            _______.                                               to the data analysis method; _______.
            A)  although governments do not implement measures on this   A)  although many scientists think that artificial intelligence
               issue                                                  can dominate the world
            B)  as long as they continue working on the issue      B)  in other words, thanks to some codes, all robots were
            C)  accordingly, several countries have begun to use the   taught to memorise their tasks
               oceans as a source of water
                                                                   C)  that is, they no longer exhibit programmed behaviours
            D)  as the  need for  climate engineering  departments in   against changing living conditions
               universities is increasing
                                                                   D)  but it is estimated that the concept of artificial intelligence
            E)  but economic sanctions should be imposed as well
                                                                      will develop close to human intelligence in 10 years
                                                                   E)  on the contrary, robots have already begun to draw, paint,
                                                                      and compose songs

        8.   While  educating  the  teachers  of  the  future,  we  need  to   11.  Synchronised swimming, or water ballet, a sport in which
            include technology, starting from the education faculties    swimming  is  blended  with  dance  and  gymnastics,  was
            _______.                                               recognised by the International Swimming Federation in
                                                                   1952 _______.
            A)  so that students will have the opportunity to access
               information from anywhere in the world
                                                                   A)  besides this, one of the athletes becomes the leader and
            B)  so questioning how ready students are for new technologies   manages the team
               in education can be impossible
                                                                   B)  therefore, they compete with their waterproof make-up and
            C)  since the new generation of leaders will be expected to have
               a lot of technical knowledge, such as coding, while looking for
               a job                                               C)  even though it was included in the Olympic programme in
            D)  because with the inclusion of artificial intelligence and 5G
               technologies in the system, their role will change  D)  although it emerged at the end of the 1800s
            E)  due to the pandemic, almost 1.5 billion students in the world   E)  while referees from different countries do the scoring in the
               could not go to school                                 competition

        9.   Although King Arthur is one of the most well-known figures   12.  _______, so it may be possible in the future to use them in
            in the world, _______.                                 plastic recycling processes.

            A)  he is shown to be kind, wise, and generous         A)  Polyurethane-containing plastics are used in many
            B)  there  is  no  one  canonical  version,  Geoffrey’s  version  of   products that require lightweight, heat insulation, and
               events often served as the starting point for later stories  flexibility, from refrigerators to shoes
            C)  the consensus among academic historians today is that   B)  A major problem with plastics containing polyurethane is
               there is no clear evidence for his historical existence  that they are difficult and expensive to recycle
            D)  the Legend of Excalibur is only part of an alternative account   C)  The amount of polyurethane plastic produced in Europe
               of the early life of King Arthur                       every year is over 3.5 million tons
            E)  the legend has it that King Arthur lived in Cornwall, in the   D)  Plastic waste containing polyurethane is collected and
               south-western part of Britain
                                                                      processed in recycling facilities
                                                                   E)  A group of researchers has discovered microorganisms
                                                                      capable of degrading polyurethane-containing plastics

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