P. 85
Sentence Completion-2
4. Although drones offer great advantages such as the
Verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. delivery of emergency medical supplies, _______.
A) the biggest concern is not always your backyard privacy
1. As car camping has become common all around the
B) they cause serious concerns about privacy
world, _______.
C) a hacker does not even need his own drone
A) people get obsessed with playing indoor games D) there are several different ways that can be used to hijack
B) some people prefer luxury cruise ship holidays a drone
C) travel companies offered new guided tours for travellers to E) determining the exact location of a drone is not so difficult
attract attention as thought
D) the number of people making their own camping vans out
of their old cars has increased
E) campers have begun to swarm to national parks with their
2. In younger patients, cataracts may be caused by diabetes, 5. Although many people think oranges are the best sources
eye injuries, or other conditions of the eye such as uveitis of vitamin C, ______.
A) eating oranges is effective in preventing and curing
A) so it can be treated quite easily with the right methods
diseases faster
B) whereas in older patients, age-related changes in the lens
B) oranges and kiwis are ideal for peeling, anti-ageing, and
can lead to this disease
C) that is why older people tend to suffer more from the illness
C) vitamin C is one of the few vitamins that the human body
D) as it could not be treated in the 1960s when medicine was cannot make itself
not as advanced as it is today
D) a single serving of kiwi has almost double the amount of
E) because people are not having their eyes checked regularly
vitamin C in an orange
these days
E) pregnant women are encouraged to consume oranges
and kiwis for healthier babies
3. Although no one can predict the future for certain, _______. 6. Since obesity affects many organs in the human body,
A) weather forecasting is a combination of science and
technology A) the underlying factors of the obesity problem may be eating
B) weather forecasters can be quite accurate at least three habits and psychological problems
days in advance B) in the treatment of obesity, exercise or surgical methods
C) extreme weather conditions impact ecosystems and are applied along with diet
societies C) its treatment should be planned and carried out in an
D) weather forecasting is important for trade and trade-related environment where more than one branch work in harmony
businesses D) being overweight can cause serious loss of self-confidence
E) the tropics are getting hotter due to a combination of and social problems, especially in children and young
deforestation and climate change people
E) obesity treatment in children is a process that requires