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ENGLISH                                                                                      3  STEP

        7.   Octopuses  are  very  intelligent  animals  with  such  good   10.  Toxic chemical contamination caused by decaying metal
            camouflage skills that _______.                        water pipes and forever chemicals is a serious problem
                                                                   for water systems of urban areas _______.
            A)  according to the researchers, there are roughly 300
               species of octopus in the world                     A)  since the water level in the dams is gradually decreasing
            B)  they are known to be venomous, but most of them are not   B)  as they increase the risk of cancer and some other illnesses
               fatally dangerous                                   C)  because  it  can  be  considered  as  one  of  the  important
            C)  though they are solitary, they sometimes tend to interact   consequences of global warming
               with other octopuses                                D)  although most of us are aware of what we eat
            D)  some species, like the North Pacific Giant Octopus, can   E)  due to the rapid spread of organic farming in rural areas
               live as long as five years
            E)  they can emit a cloud of black ink that obscures them and
               dulls the predator’s smelling abilities

        8.   Unless new and more effective interventions are found to   11.  Openness  to  experience  and  seeking  novelty  tend  to
            treat or prevent Alzheimer’s disease, _______.         decrease with age; _______.

            A)  it negatively affects individuals’ functioning and quality of   A)  for this reason, curiosity is the driving force of the learning
               life, creating a burden and stress on the entire family  journey
            B)  people who exercise have a lower risk of cognitive decline   B)  therefore, this change may be the reason for the loss in our
               than people who do not exercise                        sense of curiosity as we get older
            C)  its prevalence is expected to increase dramatically with the   C)  accordingly, the basis of curiosity is the need to access
               ageing population in the USA and worldwide             information
            D)  experts are optimistic about Alzheimer’s therapies that can   D)  on the other hand, curiosity activates regions of the brain
               halt or significantly delay its progression            that are active in the expectation of reward
            E)  people  with memory loss or other possible signs  of   E)  hence, thanks to the latest imaging systems, we can know
               Alzheimer’s may find it hard to recognise they have a   what happens in our brains at the moment of curiosity

        9.   Palaeontology  is  concerned  with  the  study  of  living   12.  Unlike renewable energy, which is currently the cheapest
            organisms of the past and can be a subfield of biology;   source of electricity in most regions, _______.
                                                                   A)  nuclear power facilities now account for 11 per cent of
            A)  on the other side, fossil evidence shows how organisms   worldwide electricity production
               changed over time and what Earth looked like long ago  B)  industrialisation has progressed primarily due to massive
            B)  therefore, modern palaeontologists examine each ring   energy consumption
               on the oyster’s surface to determine how long it lived and   C)  electrolysis  for  green hydrogen  production  requires
               under what conditions                                  massive cost reduction
            C)  thus,  some  ancient  scholars  such  as Herodotus  wrote   D)  the  types  of  hydroelectric  facilities  are  impoundment,
               about fossils of marine organisms, indicating that the land   diversion, and pumped storage
               was once under water
                                                                   E)  energy can never be generated or destroyed, but it can be
            D)  however, its historical development has been closely   transformed into another form
               linked to the efforts to understand the history of Earth itself
            E)  nevertheless, paleontological observations are documented
               back to the 5  century BC

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