P. 93

ENGLISH                                             2
                                               Sentence Completion-3

                                                               4.   As an ageing society is characterised by a decline in
           Verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.  labour  productivity  and  an  increase  in  price  levels,
        1.   While animal husbandry and taming have been widely    A)  in most countries, the proportion of older age groups in
            interpreted  and  studied  concerning  land  mammal       the population is steadily increasing
            species, _______.
                                                                   B)  the growth of the digital economy poses new challenges
            A)  traditional domestication is associated with human    for jobs and skills
               dominance over animal species                       C)  international competitiveness of the economy in such
            B)  the importance of domestication in Amazonia has been   countries decreases
               demonstrated in many studies                        D)  people in developed economies reach their highest
            C)  the original definition of domestication may have had a   productivity at around the age of 50
               sense of ‘domination’                               E)  nearly all around the world, pension payments are lower
            D)  there are still disagreements over what domestication   than income from work
               means for aquatic animals
            E)  most domesticated mammals seem to have remained
               unchanged in terms of their anatomy

                                                               5.   _______, vitamin C also plays a vital role in reducing
        2.   Learning a new language is one of the most challenging
                                                                   the severity of allergic reactions and helping fight off
            aspects of establishing a new life in another country;
            A  moreover, one of the other simple ways to adjust to   A)  Apart from protecting the immune system
               your newfound home is to initiate a conversation with   B)  As it prevents and treats respiratory infections
               others                                              C)  While severe deficiency causes dental problems
            B)  however, a fluent communication with the natives can   D)  As long as it reduces allergy symptoms
               be easily achieved in time with determination and   E)  Despite being an essential micronutrient for humans
            C)  as a result, you always have the option of finding work
               in your dream country before taking the big step
            D)  therefore, you will naturally gravitate toward establishing
               friendships and relationships over time
            E)  nevertheless, no one will ever invite strangers into their
               home overseas and immediately become friends

                                                               6.   Before money was invented, _______.
                                                                   A)  the earliest forms of paper money were developed in
        3.   _______  even  though  it  is  more  energy  efficient  for         th
                                                                      China in the 9  century
            them to swim under water than at the water’s surface.
                                                                   B)  goods were exchanged through barter or commodities
            A)  Penguins inhale and exhale rapidly at the surface     such as salt, cattle, or grains
            B)  Only five species of penguin have ever set foot on the   C)  some evidence suggests that metal coins might be as
               Antarctic                                              old as 1250 BC
            C)  Penguins dive to depths between 9 and 18 metres    D)  it has taken the form of everything from dollar to
            D)  Penguin wings are paddle-like flippers that are used to   cryptocurrencies
               swim                                                E)  bartering became popular in the 1930s during the Great
            E)  Penguins must come to the surface to breathe          Depression

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