P. 96

ENGLISH                                                                                   3  STEP-A

          2019 YDT                                               2020 YDT
        7.   Although the prices of the first gramophone recordings   10.  Although classical music is claimed to improve children’s
            were incredibly high, _______.                         intelligence, _______.
            A)  the recording industry was slow to move into the world of   A)  there may not be a correlation between intelligence and
               music                                                  appreciation for classical music
            B)  each went on to sell more than a million copies    B)  parents’ time is probably better spent exposing their
            C)  they were all written by the prolific composers of the era  children to classical music right after birth
            D)  the business was shaped by technological advances  C)  playing classical music to babies will inevitably make them
                                                                      grow up smarter
            E)  musicians lacked electronic amplification for recording
                                                                   D)  parents may not overlook the possibility to enhance the
                                                                      cognitive ability of their children
                                                                   E)  it is usually enough for parents to rely on classical music
                                                                      alone for the cognitive development of their children

          2019 YDT                                               2020 YDT
        8.   The effects of most antidepressant drugs may not be felt   11.  When  a  prey  animal  or  an  unsuspecting  human
            for several weeks, so continuing to take the medicine is   approaches, _______.
            important _______.
                                                                   A)  the box jellyfish is regarded as one of the most venomous
            A)  if you are suffering from its side effects such as weight gain  creatures in the ocean
            B)  while it reduces the extreme sadness and hopelessness  B)  the  box jellyfish is found in coastal waters of northern
            C)  because the patient’s age may be taken into account to   Australia
               adjust its dosage                                   C)  the cells of the box jellyfish are triggered instantly and they
            D)  given that psychotherapy could be more effective than   deliver toxins
               using it                                            D)  the box jellyfish gets its name from its cube-shaped bell
            E)  even though it does not seem to be working at first  E)  the venom of the box jellyfish is fatal to humans, affecting
                                                                      the nervous system

          2019 YDT                                               2020 YDT
        9.   Washing and cooking take care of most harmful microbes   12.  As the climate warmed and the human population grew
            on or in food _______.                                 and spread geographically, _______.

            A)  while others are usually killed by stomach acid or blocked   A)  walking upright on two feet has long been considered to be
               by the immune system                                   a human characteristic
            B)  although the toxic kinds, such as hepatitis virus are more   B)  humans began to develop the first ‘civilised’ human
               commonly known                                         settlements
            C)  because nowadays people are not taking food safety very   C)  they needed to find ways to keep warm and dry
               seriously                                           D)  we do not know when exactly humans started making
            D)  as most of the current produce seems especially worrisome   clothes and footwear
               to many people                                      E)  the task of understanding the nature of early human life
            E)  after transported fruits and vegetables are loaded with fatal   has been very difficult

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