P. 100

ENGLISH                                                                                       1 STEP

          Psychodrama is a type of action-based and experiential therapy   Leonardo da Vinci is regarded as one of the greatest artists
          in which people act out events from their past to explore issues.   in history. He became an apprentice to a famous artist named
          Group  dynamics,  role-playing,  and  dramatic  self-presentation   Verrocchio when he was about 14 years old. He learned about
          are used in this type of therapy to help people gain a better   art, drawing, painting, and other subjects there. The Mona Lisa
          understanding and insight into their lives and experiences. It is   and The Last Supper are two of his most famous works. Many
          based on psychology, but it also incorporates elements of theatre   of da Vinci’s drawings and notebooks were created to further
          and sociology. Sessions are typically held once a week in a group   his scientific understanding and innovations. Over 13,000 pages
          of eight to twelve people. A session typically lasts around two   of his observations of the world were recorded in his journals.
          hours. The main issues and conditions with which psychodrama   He drew hang-gliders, helicopters, war machines, musical
          may be helpful are eating disorders, grief, personality disorders,   instruments, numerous pumps, and many other things. He was
          mood  disorders,  relationship  problems,  and  trauma.  It  has   also interested in civil engineering projects and developed a
          also been utilised in a variety of settings, including business,   single-span bridge, a diversion of the Arno River, and mobile
          teaching, management, training, and religion. Psychodrama   barricades to safeguard a city in the event of an invasion. He
          can be integrated with other psychotherapy approaches   did a lot of drawings of muscles, tendons, and the human
          such as psychoanalysis, behavioural therapy, play therapy,
          hypnotherapy, family therapy, group therapy, and Gestalt   skeleton while studying the human body. Leonardo did more
          therapy. Although more research is needed, some evidence   than only study human anatomy. Because of all those, the term
          supports the usefulness of psychodrama. Psychodrama has   'Renaissance Man' was coined from Leonardo’s many talents
          grown in popularity, but it is still important to consider the   and is today used to describe people who resemble da Vinci.
          importance of trust and confidentiality within the group of people
          who are participating in the psychodrama sessions.

        7.   Which  of  the  following  could  be  the  best  title  for  the   10.  It  can  be  understood  from  the  passage  that  the  term
            passage?                                               Renaissance Man _______.
                                                                   A)  describes someone who specialises in a profession and
            A)  Different Aspects of Psychodrama
                                                                      does it very well
            B)  The Popularity of Psychodrama
                                                                   B)  describes Leonardo da Vinci’s various skills
            C)  Positive Effects of Psychodrama
                                                                   C)  is someone who looks like Leonardo da Vinci
            D)  Psychodrama and Its Usages                         D)  is used for a very clever man who is good at painting
            E)  Psychodrama with Other Psychotherapy Approaches    E)  refers to someone who does many things very well

        8.   Which of the following is not true according to the passage?  11.  It  cannot  be  inferred  from  the  passage  that  da  Vinci
            A)  Psychology can be stated as the subfield of psychodrama.
                                                                   A)  worked as an architect, an engineer, and an artist
            B)  Psychodrama is performed in various settings from business
                                                                   B)  made observations in order to understand the world around
               to religion.
            C)  Psychodrama covers some theatrical and sociological
                                                                   C)  worked as a military adviser
                                                                   D)  was a very special man
            D)  Psychodrama seeks to help people get rid of their problems   E)  had an interest in human anatomy
               such as trauma.
            E)  Some of the psychotherapy approaches can be combined
               with psychodrama.

        9.   According  to  the  passage,  what  does  the  author  warn   12.  What can be inferred from the passage about da Vinci?
            people in the psychodrama groups about?                A)  He could accomplish great things in many areas.
            A)  Popularity and trust                               B)  In his work, da Vinci was quite similar to other people.
                                                                   C)  He would have been a better painter if he had concentrated
            B)  Some of the psychotherapy approaches
                                                                      on art alone.
            C)  Theatre and sociology
                                                                   D)  He tried to follow the style of other artists of his time.
            D)  Usefulness of psychodrama                          E)  He was better at inventing than painting.
            E)  Confidentiality and reliability

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