P. 101
Paragraph Comprehension-1
As the Arctic warms and transforms, its most iconic frozen terrains
Soruları verilen parçalara göre cevaplayınız. have been disappearing. The glaciers have been melting and going
to the sea. Sea ice has been giving way to the open ocean. And the
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia and is a
generic term for memory loss and other cognitive abilities that are severe snow that caps the extraordinary Arctic nature is increasingly turning
enough to interfere with daily life. Scientists believe that Alzheimer’s to rain. The gradual shift from a snowy climate to a rainy one isn’t
disease interferes with the normal functioning of some parts of the cell unexpected, but the new study suggests that parts of the Arctic may
factory. As the damage spreads, cells lose their function and eventually tip into a rain-dominated climate as early as the 2060s or 2070s
die, causing irreversible changes to the brain. Alzheimer’s disease if the world goes on warming at high rates between now and the
accounts for 60–80 per cent of dementia cases. Alzheimer’s is not a end of the century. That’s several decades earlier than the previous
normal part of ageing. The biggest known risk factor is age, and most studies estimated. This is the average for the whole year. This does
people with Alzheimer’s are over the age of 65. Alzheimer’s disease is not mean that there will be no snow in these places. In much of
a progressive disease in which the symptoms of dementia gradually the Arctic, it is possible that snow will remain dominant in winter.
worsen over many years. In the early stages, there is little memory loss, However, other parts of the year, particularly the summer and fall,
but in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s disease, people lose the are likely to shift to a rain-dominated climate.
ability to conduct conversations and react to their environment. There
is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s, but a treatment for symptoms is 4. We can understand from the passage that in the Arctic
possible, and research is ongoing.
1. According to the passage, cells fail to perform properly A) the climate is transforming into somewhat never expected by
since _______. any of the researchers before
A) scientists think that Alzheimer’s disease, as it progresses, B) the snowy days are expected to stay longer than before,
leads to mild damage to the cells which may lead to the iciest days in the history
B) newly produced treatments for Alzheimer’s disease will be C) the winter season will be much like fall or spring in the
tested in a number of research studies upcoming years unless necessary precautions are taken
C) it is argued to be among the core reasons for dementia, D) the era of glaciers and ice is about to come to an end because
which is also known as memory loss of the transformation in climate
D) Alzheimer’s disease initially damages a cell’s factory and E) more rain will be seen instead of ice and snow if the current
the resulting damage gradually expands trend in the temperature continues
E) daily life practices are mediated by means of the cognitive
abilities’ proper functioning
2. According to the passage, which of the following is true? 5. Which of the following could be the best title for the
A) All of the scientists agree that Alzheimer’s disease leads to passage?
a complete breakdown in the cells’ structures. A) The Arctic Region
B) Alzheimer’s disease comprises three to four-fifths of the B) The Climate of the Arctic
cases which are related to dementia. C) The Gradual Shift of the Arctic’s Climate
C) As people age, they normally develop Alzheimer’s disease, D) The Expected Transformation in the Climate
which is commonplace for the elderly. E) Rain Taking Place of the Snow in the Arctic
D) Alzheimer’s disease leads to difficulty in talking and giving
responses to the environment in its initial phase.
E) It is possible to state that scientists have already developed
a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.
6. We can understand from the passage that _______.
3. What is the author’s primary purpose in this passage? A) the new research shows a larger and faster increase in Arctic
precipitation, and a quicker transition from snow to rain
A) To explain why some scientists, although unsuccessful,
B) there will be a big change for many regions of the Arctic,
have conducted a number of researches
B) To emphasise the significance of research in order to get rid where temperatures formerly stayed cold year-round
of Alzheimer’s disease C) as the Arctic receives more rain and less snow, it could heat
C) To inform us about the reasons behind Alzheimer’s disease up even faster, which has not been expected and anticipated
and its development in any of the research up to the present times
D) To illustrate the treatments which have been developed in D) the speed of Arctic climate change matters for communities
order to cure Alzheimer’s disease all over the world although they are not close to it
E) To compare and contrast Alzheimer’s disease with other E) the melting of snow and ice in the Arctic is the main reason why
dementia-related diseases the region is heating up so much faster than the rest of the planet