P. 104
Oud, which has a very large family, is an indispensable instrument for Scientific studies show that mastering tools makes it easier to understand
Arab, Iranian, and Turkish music. Historians say that the first place where complex expressions in a language. Until recently, it was thought
the oud was used was Central Asia. However, today’s oud is only known that different parts of the brain were activated for these different tasks.
as the Arabic instrument. The oud, which has survived to the present However, it was understood that the brain regions that make sense of
day with the changes made in the number of strings and chords, passed the words also play a role in behaviours related to motor abilities, such as
from the north of Africa to Spain through Muslims. It used to be played small muscle movements. An international research group has carried out
with a wooden plectrum in the past. Today, plectrums made of flexible some research to better understand the relationship between tool use and
plastic are generally used. Spreading from Spain to many countries, the language abilities. The researchers first subjected the volunteers to various
oud has managed to become a favourite instrument, especially among tests of tool use and language abilities while monitoring their brain activity
the travelling poets. What is so beautiful about the oud is that it has been with fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging). The results showed
adapted in many ways to suit various styles, and yet it still has not lost the that tool use and language exercises both activate the same areas of the
mystical and surprisingly unique talent that has given it its importance in brain. In the second phase of the experiments, the researchers ran tests
today’s music world. to see whether the improvement of one skill would lead to improvement in
another. While a group of volunteers was given tool use training, another
7. According to the passage, the oud _______. group of volunteers was provided with language training. Afterwards, it
A) was first used in Central Europe was looked at to what extent these volunteers’ tool use and language skills
B) has lost the mystical and fascinating special ability today improved compared to the control group volunteers (volunteers who did
C) was played with a plastic plectrum in the past not receive any training). As a result, it was observed that the language
D) is an ordinary instrument for Arabic, Iranian, and Turkish music skills of the volunteers who received tool-using training and the tool-using
E) has been adjusted in many ways to suit a variety of genres skills of the volunteers who received language training improved. It is
stated that the results obtained will be useful in the treatment of both adults
who have lost their language skills due to various health problems and
children who have language development problems.
10. The research indicates that both learning a language and using a
tool skilfully _______.
A) can be learned only voluntarily
8. One can understand from the passage that the oud still keeps B) are beneficial activities for the improvement of intelligence
_______. C) have always been the subject of curiosity by scientists
A) being only known as the Iranian instrument D) are abilities that can be improved with hard training
B) being a favourite instrument among Spanish poets and writers E) stimulate the same parts of the brain
C) having the same number of strings and chords as the past form of
Arabic and Iranian oud
D) its mystical and fascinating unique ability that has made it
significant in the music world 11. In the first stage of the experiment, _______.
E) being played with a wooden plectrum today A) the participants were not able to use any tool or speak a language
B) the extent of the volunteers’ ability to use a tool developed
C) the volunteers’ brain activities were monitored while they were
tested using tools and learning languages
D) the participants were given some expressions difficult to
understand and tools requiring mastery to use
E) the volunteers had some health problems with the functioning of
their brains
9. Which of the following is one of the characteristics of the oud?
A) It is played with a flexible plastic plectrum today.
B) It has lost its mystical and amazing unique ability.
C) It is a favourite instrument all around the world. 12. We can learn from the passage that ______.
D) It has been adjusted in only one way to suit different styles. A) improvement of a skill is dependent on how hard you try it
E) It has remained to the present day with no changes in the number B) the monitoring techniques of the human brain have developed so
of strings and chords. much that scientists are able to find remedies to various diseases
C) control groups are not required while carrying out scientific
D) the findings of the experiment will be a hope for both adults and
children having problems with language use and its development
E) stimulation of one part of the brain leads to the development of
another one