P. 105

ENGLISH                                              1
                                            Paragraph Comprehension-2

                                                                 In animals, various sounds are made so that emotions can be
           Soruları verilen parçalara göre cevaplayınız.         expressed to other individuals. Each of these sounds has different
                                                                 characteristics according to the different meanings they carry and
          Graffiti is the name for images or lettering scratched, scrawled,
                                                                 the different times they are uttered. For example, an animal that
          painted, or marked on personal or public property. It has existed   feels endangered and tries to make itself heard will sound at a very
          since ancient times, dating back to ancient Greece and the   high frequency. The sound of an animal trying to remove a stranger
          Roman. In modern times, paint, spray paint, and marker pens   from its area will be quite loud and as frightening as possible.
          have become the most commonly used graffiti materials. In   Some movements or mimics are often added to the sounds that
          most countries, graffiti is not considered a good thing, and even   animals make for communication purposes. The various positions
          it is sometimes restricted by governments. In others, though, it   or wagging of the tail, the shape of the gaze, ears, and mouth or
          is displayed in galleries and exhibitions as an art form worthy   more complex body movements complement the meanings of the
          of praise. Controversies that surround graffiti continue to create   sounds  made.  Especially  in  animals  living  in  herds  or  colonies,
                                                                 communication is provided within and between groups thanks to
          disagreement  amongst  city  officials, law  enforcement  officers,
                                                                 the different sounds made. In some cases, sounds are made for
          and graffitists who wish to display and appreciate their works in
                                                                 different purposes. For example, bats that have very poor eyesight
          public locations. Currently, graffiti is a rapidly developing art form
                                                                 make high-pitched sounds while flying to close the gap of their
          whose value is highly disputed and detested by many authorities
                                                                 eyes, and according to the return of these sounds to them, they
          while also subject to protection, even within the same jurisdiction.  perceive the objects around them.
        1.   The passage does not convey _______.              4.   One can understand from the passage, terrifying sound
            A)  the meaning of graffiti                            means that the animal _______.
            B)  how long graffiti has existed in the world         A)  is in danger and attempts to be heard
            C)  controversies related to the graffiti              B)  is starving
            D)  how graffiti influences other forms of art         C)  wants to escape from the colony
            E)  what materials are used in modern-day graffiti     D)  is attempting to evict a visitor from its territory
                                                                   E)  is suffering from an illness

        2.   It is stated in the passage that graffiti _______.  5.   It is stated in the passage that animals living in colonies
            A)  is mostly committed by street vandals
            B)  has no admirers in any civilised society           A)  communicate by wagging their tail
            C)  may be both despised and protected within the same   B)  sound quite loud to remove a visitor
               community                                           C)  create various noises to offer communication
            D)  has not developed much due to the negative response it   D)  have very poor eyesight
               has received                                        E)  add some movements or mimics to the sounds
            E)  does not have a very long history

                                                               6.   According to the passage which of the following can be said?

                                                                   A)  The sounds that animals make are not limited to just the
                                                                      sounds made by the mouth.
        3.   The writer of this passage seems to think that _______.  B)  Animals use a variety of noises to communicate their
            A)  controversies about graffiti have been settled        feelings to others.
            B)  the value of graffiti is questionable              C)  Some of the animals speak in a kind of morse code.
            C)  graffiti should not be displayed as a work of art  D)  It is essential that the communication be short and between
            D)  city officials mostly approve of graffiti as an art form  animals of the same breed.
            E)  graffiti artists deserve to be punished for vandalism
                                                                   E)  Insects living in tree galleries communicate by banging their
                                                                      heads on the hard ground.

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