P. 107

ENGLISH                                             2
                                            Paragraph Comprehension-2

                                                                 Some people have immune systems which tend to overreact the
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                                                                 moment they come into contact with a specific substance to show
          Scientists have discovered the prehistoric footprints of a colossal   that particular substance is not accepted and try to eliminate it as
          dinosaur on the roof of a cave in France. No, this does not mean   soon as possible. Such specific substances are called ‘allergens’,
          that giant dinosaurs were dancing on the ceilings of caves although it   and the reaction they cause is called ‘allergy’. These substances
          shows the wealth of prehistoric discoveries that could be found lurking   may not inflict any harm to most people; however, those who
          all around us. It was recently reported in the Journal of Vertebrate   are allergic to them register these allergens as foreign bodies,
          Paleontology that the researchers discovered the three dinosaur   and their immune systems start to react in order to free the body
          trackways during an expedition in 2015 around the labyrinth-like   from these allergens. Allergies do not develop immediately after
          Castelbouc Cave in southern France. The tracks, made some   coming into contact with an allergen for the first time. The body
          166 million to 168 million years ago, are extremely well-preserved,
          complete with even claws. It is not certain what species of dinosaurs   begins by identifying the allergen and producing antibodies which
          were responsible for the tracks; however, their size suggests they   will react to it. As a final step, our immune systems prepare our
          might have belonged to titanosaurs, a group of sauropod dinosaurs   bodies to be sensitive to that specific allergen. This process is
          that includes some of the largest land animals known to have ever   known as ‘sensitisation’, which refers to the process of becoming
          existed. So, how did these giants’ footprints end up on the cave roof?   predisposed to allergens. It can be either an instantaneous or a
          When these dinosaurs were treading on earth, the site was on the   long-lasting process.
          planet’s surface, but geological processes have since buried the
          sediments over the course of millions of years. The processes have
          created a scenario where they appear on the ceiling.
        1.   According to the passage, giant footprints on the ceiling   4.   It  can  be  understood  from  the  passage  that  allergens
            of the cave _______.                                   _______.
            A)  were probably done by a titanosaur which is one of the largest   A)  must be introduced in small amounts to neutralise the
               land animals having been discovered so far             sensitisation process
            B)  prove that some dinosaurs could walk on the walls, even on   B)  do not necessarily have to be harmful substances
               the ceilings                                        C)  should be kept in containers with secure lids to avoid
            C)  show that all of the dinosaurs were undersized around 166 to   cross-contamination
               168 million years ago                               D)  are a particularly sensitive issue in the food industry
            D)  have always been on the ceiling of the Castelbouc Cave in   E)  have to be highlighted on food packages to prevent an
               southern France                                        allergic reaction
            E)  are vague, and they do not provide any details

        2.   According to the passage, which of the following is true?  5.   Which of the following is true about sensitisation?
            A)  Colossal dinosaurs used to dance on the ceiling of the caves.  A)  It takes place immediately after exposure to an allergen.
            B)  Scientists cannot comment on the size of the dinosaurs   B)  It can be treated with certain medications.
               having created these footprints.                    C)  It can sometimes be a gradual or a fast-growing process.
            C)  The largest of the animals having ever existed are titanosaurs.  D)  It is the first step in developing an allergy.
            D)  The ceiling of the Castelbouc Cave was on the surface of   E)  It can occur without noticeable signs or symptoms.
               earth millions of years ago.
            E)  Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology only publishes articles
               about dinosaur footprints.

        3.   The main purpose of this passage is to _______.   6.   What is the passage mainly about?
            A)  introduce Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology       A)  Allergens and the immune system
            B)  praise the scientist who has made the discovery    B)  Foreign bodies in the immune system
            C)  give information about unusual fossils of dinosaur footprints   C)  A variety of reactions to allergens
               and the reason why they are not on the ground       D)  How an allergy develops and its stages
            D)  explain the importance of the wealth of prehistoric discoveries  E)  The process of sensitisation
            E)  inform readers about the existence of a giant dinosaur whose
               name is titanosaur

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