P. 102

ENGLISH                                                                                     2  STEP

          Meaning 'the ability to recognise and share another person’s   Emotional labour is unpaid, often invisible work that a person
          emotions', empathy is often confused with sympathy, pity, and   is compelled to do by others to keep them happy. This could
          compassion, which are only the recognition of someone else’s   be an employer rule that an employee should not respond to
          distress. Pity indicates a lower level of understanding and   customer abuse, a partner’s suggestion that the other person do
          commitment to the situation of the suffering person than empathy,   housework and household logistics, or an acquaintance trying
          sympathy, or compassion. Compassion is a deeper level of empathy   to explain why their behaviour is problematic. Emotional labour
          as it demonstrates an actual desire to help the suffering person.   is often  used interchangeably with the term ‘emotional work’,
          Empathy generally requires shared experiences; hence, people can   a  term  that  describes  a social  task an  individual  performs  to
          generally feel empathy only for other people, not for animals. For   please others. Though emotion work was intended to be used
          example, people can sympathise with horses, but they cannot really   for different situations than emotional labour, the two have been
          empathise with them. As psychologists say, empathy is essential   considered interchangeable in recent years. Emotional labour
          in forming relationships and acting compassionately towards other   can manifest in multiple settings, the most common of which are
          people. In addition, empathy enables genuinely helping behaviours   workplace, partnership, and social networking. The most basic
          that come easily and naturally, rather than having to be forced as
          it involves experiencing another person’s point of view—stepping   impact of emotional labour on people it is demanded from is
          outside one’s self.                                    exhaustion. Acting in a way that appeases others can be tiring
                                                                 and frustrating. Therefore, emotional labour should not be the
        7.   The reason why someone cannot feel empathy for animals   way to go when people deal with situations, and anyone should
            is that _______.                                     avoid demanding emotional labour from others.
            A)  sharing and caring are the key elements of feeling empathy
                                                               10.  It is stated in the passage that emotional labour _______.
               for someone or something else
            B)  there are some things that cannot be experienced between   A)  is not exhausting work to some degree
               an animal and a person mutually                     B)  is preferable while carrying out some certain situations
            C)  it requires extrinsic motivation, which animals do not have  C)  can be observed and done easily without any oppression
            D)  people need such kinds of feelings more than animals as   D)  mainly aims to please others sacrificing from yourself
               they can do everything themselves
            E)  people  can  sympathise  only  with  a  horse  among  other   E)  has always been accepted the same as emotional work

        8.   According to the passage, pity is different from empathy,   11.  The underlined word ‘appeases’ in the passage is closest
            sympathy, or compassion in that it _______.            in meaning to _______.
            A)  shows a desire to help the sufferer more than others  A)  irritates
            B)  is only recognising other people’s stressful situations,   B)  satisfies
               excluding the happier moments
                                                                   C)  frightens
            C)  is the only feeling people can feel for animals in a very bad
               condition                                           D)  compels
            D)  enables genuinely helping behaviours that come with force  E)  affects
            E)  symbolises an involvement in and recognition of the
               sufferer’s current state less than others

        9.   It  can  be  understood  from  the  passage  that  empathy   12.  It can be inferred from the passage that emotional labour
            _______.                                               and emotion work _______.
            A)  is useless  as it always  comes by forcing one’s self  to   A)  are completely different terms used in different conditions
               experience others’ feelings
                                                                   B)  do not mean to satisfy others’ needs to make them happy
            B)  means  the recognition of  someone  else’s  distress  by
                                                                   C)  are displayed just in the workplace, partnership, and
               acting compassionately
            C)  is experiencing your point of view and attitude towards   social networking
                                                                   D)  would be used as different terms, but this idea changed in
               some others
            D)  is a feeling that helps some behaviours come out easily,   time
               naturally, and genuinely                            E)  are two concepts that employers do not want to see in the
            E)  is not considered necessary in forming new relationships   office
               with others

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