P. 98

ENGLISH                                                                                   3  STEP-B

          2021 YDT                                                 2021 YDT
        7.   Although they are usually worn for practical reasons, so   10.  Early  civilizations  were  well  aware  that  plants  were
            that the wearer can keep track of the time, _______.   attacked by diseases; _______.
            A)  watches are also a piece of  jewellery expressing the   A)  thus, Ireland suffered a devastating potato famine due
               wearer’s wealth, social status, and sense of style     to a fungus that caused late blight of potatoes in the 19
            B)  pocket watches can be as large as three inches in diameter,   century
               thus, they do not interfere with the wearer’s movement  B)  therefore, it was commonly believed that most of the plant
            C)  wristwatches have been the most common form of        diseases and the fungi arose spontaneously from decay
               timepiece ever since they began to be produced with metal   C)  nevertheless, the ability to combat plant diseases through
               and leather straps                                     pest control made it possible to yield greatly
            D)  watches are available today in every price range, from a   D)  on the other side, during the Middle Ages in Europe,
               five-dollar plastic watch to a ten-thousand-dollar gold one  Shakespeare mentioned wheat mildew in one of his plays
            E)  the idea of watches is quite ancient, dating back to the   E)  however, it was not until the invention of the first microscope
               Romans who lived as early as 500 BCE                   that people began to understand the real causes of these

          2021 YDT                                               2021 YDT
        8.   When  long-tailed  ducks  venture  beneath  the  waves  in   11.  _______, some of the water they hold evaporates into the
            search of fish, _______.                               warm air.

            A)  their surviving numbers are estimated between 6.2 and 6.8   A)  Unless water droplets form clouds
               million                                             B)  Since clouds each have different variations
            B)  they are largely found in the oceans of the Northern   C)  When the sun shines on ponds and lakes
                                                                   D)  As long as different types of precipitation fall from the sky
            C)  they are able to reach depths as great as 60 meters
                                                                   E)  If patterns of weather depend on the nature of the local air
            D)  fewer  young  are  hatched  as  populations  decline  due  to   mass
            E)  their body length and weight differ according to what they
               feed on

          2021 YDT                                               2021 YDT
        9.   _______, vitamin E is also of great importance in energy   12.  _______,  there  is  nowhere  in  the  universe  where  it  will
            production, playing an essential role in cellular respiration   disappear altogether.
            of all muscles.
                                                                   A)  Since the Earth’s gravitational field is constantly pulling the
            A)  When it comes to foods processed with heat            International Space Station
            B)  Although excessive amounts are eliminated through bodily   B)  If  gravity  does  not  pull  objects  back  to  the  Earth  with
               functions                                              excessive force
            C)  Besides its primary function as an antioxidant     C)  Although the effect of gravity will gradually decrease as we
                                                                      travel deeper into space
            D)  In spite of the damage it does to the nerves and red blood
               cells                                               D)  Even though there are space stations located some 400km
                                                                      above the Earth’s surface
            E)  Regardless of being one of the most essential vitamins
                                                                   E)  Until  astronauts  experience  90  percent  of  the  gravity  to
                                                                      which we are subjected to on Earth

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