P. 103

ENGLISH                                             3
                                            Paragraph Comprehension-1

                                                                 2019 YDT
           Soruları verilen parçalara göre cevaplayınız.         Many cultures regard dreams as having great significance for the dreamer,
                                                                 either by revealing something important about the dreamer’s present
          2019 YDT                                               circumstances or predicting his or her future. The Austrian psychologist
          Functioning mini human brains grown in a lab could help cure Parkinson’s.   Sigmund Freud analysed the dreams of his patients to understand their
          It may sound incredible, yet the created blobs may help researchers defeat   unconscious needs and desires, and psychotherapists still make use of
          Parkinson’s disease and other age-related brain conditions. The mini brain   this technique today. Freud believed that the primary function of dreams
          is an organoid grown from stem cells to imitate the human midbrain, the   was to wish fulfillment, or the idea that dreaming allows us to act out the
          ‘information superhighway’ of the brain that controls hearing, vision and   desires that we must repress during the day. Although Freud focused
          movement. Other researchers have successfully grown brain tissue in a   on the meaning of dreams, other theories about the causes of dreams
          lab, but a team made up of researchers from A Star Genome Institute of   are less concerned with their content. One possibility is that we dream
          Singapore, the Duke-NUS Medical School and the National Neuroscience   primarily to help with consolidation, or the moving of information into long-
          Institute say theirs is the first to contain neuromelanin, a dark pigment   term memory. Rauchs and Desgranges found that rats that had been
          found within the human brain that is closely linked to the development   deprived of REM sleep, the sleep stage in which dreaming occurs, after
          of Parkinson’s disease. It also contains specialised neurons that produce   learning a new task were less able to perform the task again than rats that
          dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved with motor control as low levels of   had been allowed to dream, and these differences were greater on tasks
          dopamine lead to slowed reactions and disorders like Parkinson’s. Shawn   that involved learning unusual information or developing new behaviours.
          Je, the lead researcher of the team, says that their mini-brain organoids
          mimic human midbrain development and that now they can really test   4.   It can be understood from the passage that Freud believed that
          how these mini brains react to existing or newly developed drugs before   dreams _______.
          treating patients. This will be a game changer for future drug development.
                                                                   A)  could help one recall past memories with more accuracy
        1.   According to the passage, mini human brains may help cure   B)  contributed to the prediction of patients’ wishes more than their
            Parkinson’s disease since _______.                        desires
                                                                   C)  were about wishes people had to suppress while they were awake
            A)  researchers from various institutes worked together to develop
               them                                                D)  that occurred during REM sleep were easily interpreted
            B)  newly produced and available drugs for Parkinson’s have been   E)  should be examined for the reasons behind them rather than for
               tested on them                                         their content
            C)  they have already worked really well on other age-related brain
            D)  they are organoids grown from stem cells with high levels of
            E)  they are like a simulation of our midbrains, which control some of
               our senses and movement                         5.   What can be concluded from Rauchs and Desgranges’s studies?
                                                                   A)  They  focused their  studies  more  on  the  use  of  information  in
                                                                      dreams of rats.
        2.   According to the passage, which of the following is true?  B)  They found that rats were only able to learn a new task during
            A)  Low levels of dopamine can be related to some other disorders   REM sleep.
               along with Parkinson’s disease.                     C)  They discovered that when rats learned a new task, dreaming
            B)  The presence of neuromelanin can help people with Parkinson’s   helped them successfully recall the new task later on.
               disease to recover from the condition.              D)  They showed the differences between rats that learned common
            C)  Neuromelanin and dopamine are essential components to   information and those that learned unusual information.
               produce artificial organs.                          E)  They found that dreaming resulted in poor performance in different
            D)  Compared to  dopamine,  neuromelanin can produce more   tasks in rats.
               neurotransmitters that enable motor control.
            E)  Neuromelanin and dopamine cause deterioration in our midbrain,
               leading to impairment in our reactions.

        3.   What is the author’s primary purpose in this passage?  6.   The main purpose of this passage is to _______.
            A)  To explain why other researchers have failed to produce mini   A)  inform readers about the effects of dreaming
               brains with neuromelanin                            B)  encourage readers to analyse their dreams
            B)  To inform us about the development of Parkinson’s disease and   C)  explain the Freudian approach to dream analysis
               other brain conditions                              D)  give information about different theories of dreams
            C)  To illustrate the reasons behind the failure of treatments for   E)  refute critical theories about the functions of dreaming
               Parkinson’s disease
            D)  To announce a new scientific breakthrough that can aid the
               treatment of age-related brain conditions
            E)  To emphasise the importance of collaboration among researchers
               from various institutes

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