P. 89

ENGLISH                                             3 RD
                                               Sentence Completion-2

                                                                 2020 YDT
           Verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.  4.   Because  people  usually  do  not  want  to  participate  in
                                                                   surveys, _______.
                                                                   A)  some researchers offer participants a motivational reward to
          2019 YDT                                                    complete a survey
        1.   Although the early principles behind the calculation of an   B)  a lot of companies rely on consumer surveys to improve
            IQ score still hold, _______.                             their products
                                                                   C)  in a typical research design, data collection is followed by
            A)  IQ scores are determined in a different manner today and
               are known as deviation IQ scores                       data analysis
                                                                   D)  data science is becoming more and more appealing to
            B)  some people consistently score higher than others on IQ
               tests                                                  scientists and business people alike
                                                                   E)  surveys have long remained a popular tool for collecting
            C)  psychologists have traditionally been interested in creating
                                                                      information from people
               intelligence tests
            D)  two-thirds of all individuals fall within 15 IQ points above or
               below the average score of 100
            E)  IQ scores have proven very beneficial in identifying students
               in need of special attention
                                                               5.   _______,  can  cause  unhappiness,  restlessness,  fear
                                                                   of  death,  tension,  sleep  disturbances,  and  lethargy  in
                                                                   individuals, causing weakening and even collapse of the
          2019 YDT
        2.   _______, recycling is the current solution for dealing with   immune system.
            this basic and essential material.                     A)  The immune system, which is a very complex structure
                                                                      that can be easily affected by many physical and emotional
            A)  Despite the fact that researchers are looking beyond the   factors
               general hazardous consequences of global warming
                                                                   B)  Stress, which is declared as one of the biggest health
            B)  As millions of electrical appliances and computers are
               thrown out annually without any kind of recycling policy to   problems of the future by the World Health Organization
               govern them                                         C)  Although we keep our immune system intact in order not to
            C)  While the plastics industry tries to develop a durable natural   catch other diseases
               plastic that will not take thousands of years to break down  D)  The effects of any illness on our lives, health, and psychology
            D)  Even though paper use in printing is estimated to decrease   are quite high
               with more and more people using electronic books    E)  The tumour that causes severe damage to the part of the
            E)  Since government policies and businesses focused on   brain involved in memory
               separating the components of electrical appliances are
               slowly emerging

          2019 YDT
        3.   ______,  many  countries  began  to  adopt  agricultural   6.   Unlike its more static cousin, IQ, EI (Emotional Intelligence)
            practices  that  are  more  oriented  towards  conservation   is  a  dynamic  part  of  one’s  psyche  that  comprises
            and sustainability.                                    behavioural attributes that, when improved, _______.
            A)  As long as they had a wide range of natural and economic   A)  apply intellectual criteria to emotional responses and
               resources at hand                                      recognise that they may be logically coherent
            B)  Although they were on the brink of starvation due to famine   B)  can use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions
               and drought                                            and to influence those of others
            C)  As they came to realise the importance of addressing environmental   C)  may result in major rewards ranging from personal pleasure
               issues                                                 and well-being to increased professional performance
            D)  Whether they confronted considerable technological challenges
                                                                   D)  build rapport and connect with people through skills such
               in urban areas
                                                                      as active listening, verbal and nonverbal communication
            E)  Until they found solutions to the extinction of species in their   E)  may be negatively correlated with depression and burnout
               natural habitats

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